Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 226 日本語の発音はひらがなやカタカナで覚えよう(にほんごのはつおんはひらがなやカタカナでおぼえよう)

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ローマ()日本語(にほんご)発音(はつおん)(おぼ)えると Konnichiha を「こにちわ」と()んでしまって「こんにちは」にはならないような問題(もんだい)()てきます。このように、ローマ()表記(ひょうき)では正確(せいかく)発音(はつおん)(まな)ぶのが(むずか)しい場合(ばあい)があります。(とく)に、日本語(にほんご)にはローマ()表現(ひょうげん)しきれない(おと)やイントネーションがあります。






* こんにちは (Konnichiwa) -> こにちわと間違(まちが)いやすい
* おかあさん (Okaasan) -> おかさんと間違(まちが)いやすい
* きっぷ (Kippu) -> きぷと間違(まちが)いやすい
* はし((はし))(Hashi) と はし((はし))(Hashi) -> (おな)表記(ひょうき)でも発音(はつおん)(こと)なる


Use Hiragana or Katakana to Learn Japanese Pronunciation

Learning Japanese pronunciation via romaji can lead to problems such as pronouncing Konnichiwa as “ko-nichi-wa” instead of “kon-nichi-wa.” It can be difficult to learn accurate pronunciation based on romaji notation. This is because Japanese has sounds and intonations that cannot be fully expressed with romaji.

For example, it is hard to express the proper pronunciation of “つ” even with the use of “tsu.” Also, the “r” in “ra-ri-ru-re-ro" is pronounced differently from the “r” and “l” sounds in English, so romaji cannot accurately convey the correct pronunciation.

Furthermore, long vowels (e.g. “okaasan” and “tokyo”) and double consonants (e.g. “kippu” and “gakko”) are also difficult to understand in romaji. For example, English speakers may mispronounce “okaasan” as “oka-san.” Similarly, “kippu” may be pronounced as "ki-pu.

Moreover, Japanese sounds have accents, but these are difficult to express using romaji. For example, bridge and chopsticks are written in the same romaji, “hashi,” but the actual pronunciation is different. Thus, it is difficult to learn the subtle differences in Japanese pronunciation using romaji.

Therefore, when learning Japanese, it is important to use hiragana and katakana for pronunciation. Using these characters allows you to accurately represent the sounds of the Japanese language, thus reducing the number of pronunciation errors. Learning hiragana and katakana will also improve your Japanese listening and speaking skills.

Specific examples include the following words and phrases:

* Hello (Konnichiwa) -> mistaken as “ko-nichi-wa”
* Mom (Okaasan) -> mistaken as “oka-san”
* Ticket (Kippu) -> mistaken as “ki-pu”
* Bridge and Chopstick (Hashi) -> different pronunciations despite the same romaji

As you can see from these examples, using hiragana and katakana is the most effective way to learn Japanese pronunciation accurately.

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