Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 232 新紙幣(しんしへい)

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渋沢(しぶさわ)栄一(えいいち)(しぶさわ えいいち)は、日本(にほん)実業家(じつぎょうか)政治家(せいじか)慈善家(じぜんか)であり、日本(にほん)近代(きんだい)経済(けいざい)基礎(きそ)(きず)いた人物(じんぶつ)として(ひろ)()られています。(かれ)功績(こうせき)以下(いか)(とお)りです:






津田(つだ)梅子(うめこ)(つだ うめこ)は、日本(にほん)教育者(きょういくしゃ)であり、日本(にほん)女性(じょせい)教育(きょういく)先駆者(せんくしゃ)として()られています。彼女(かのじょ)主要(しゅよう)功績(こうせき)生涯(しょうがい)について以下(いか)説明(せつめい)します:

()()ちと留学(りゅうがく): 1864(ねん)()まれ、明治(めいじ)政府(せいふ)岩倉(いわくら)使節(しせつ)(だん)随行(ずいこう)する(かたち)で6(さい)(とき)にアメリカへ留学(りゅうがく)しました。彼女(かのじょ)は10(ねん)(かん)アメリカで教育(きょういく)()け、日本(にほん)帰国(きこく)しました。この経験(けいけん)彼女(かのじょ)(のち)教育者(きょういくしゃ)としてのキャリアに(おお)きな影響(えいきょう)(あた)えました。

教育者(きょういくしゃ)としての活動(かつどう): 帰国(きこく)()女子(じょし)教育(きょういく)重要性(じゅうようせい)(うった)え、女性(じょせい)のための教育(きょういく)機関(きかん)設立(せつりつ)尽力(じんりょく)しました。1900(ねん)津田(つだ)英学(えいがく)(じゅく)現在(げんざい)津田塾大学(つだじゅくだいがく))を設立(せつりつ)し、女性(じょせい)(しつ)(たか)教育(きょういく)提供(ていきょう)することを目指(めざ)しました。




北里(きたさと)柴三郎(しばさぶろう)(きたさと しばさぶろう)は、日本(にほん)細菌(さいきん)学者(がくしゃ)であり、近代(きんだい)医学(いがく)発展(はってん)(おお)きく貢献(こうけん)した人物(じんぶつ)です。(かれ)主要(しゅよう)功績(こうせき)生涯(しょうがい)について以下(いか)説明(せつめい)します:

()()ちと教育(きょういく): 1853(ねん)熊本(くまもと)(はん)現在(げんざい)熊本県(くまもとけん))に()まれました。東京大学(とうきょうだいがく)医学部(いがくぶ)卒業(そつぎょう)()、ドイツに留学(りゅうがく)し、ロベルト・コッホのもとで細菌(さいきん)(がく)(まな)びました。


* 破傷風(はしょうふう)(きん)純粋(じゅんすい)培養(ばいよう): 1889(ねん)破傷風(はしょうふう)(きん)純粋(じゅんすい)培養(ばいよう)成功(せいこう)し、破傷風(はしょうふう)(きん)破傷風(はしょうふう)原因(げんいん)であることを証明(しょうめい)しました。
* 血清(けっせい)療法(りょうほう)開発(かいはつ):(かれ)破傷風(はしょうふう)抗毒素(こうどくそ)血清(けっせい)開発(かいはつ)成功(せいこう)し、これにより破傷風(はしょうふう)治療法(ちりょうほう)確立(かくりつ)されました。この業績(ぎょうせき)医学(いがく)進歩(しんぽ)(おお)きな影響(えいきょう)(あた)えました。
*ペスト(きん)発見(はっけん): 1894(ねん)にはペスト(きん)発見(はっけん)し、ペストの診断(しんだん)治療(ちりょう)貢献(こうけん)しました。

教育(きょういく)社会(しゃかい)貢献(こうけん): 帰国(きこく)()東京大学(とうきょうだいがく)教授(きょうじゅ)として細菌(さいきん)(がく)教育(きょういく)(たずさ)わりました。また、1893(ねん)には北里(きたさと)研究所(けんきゅうじょ)現在(げんざい)北里大学(きたさとだいがく))を設立(せつりつ)し、(おお)くの優秀(ゆうしゅう)医師(いし)研究者(けんきゅうしゃ)育成(いくせい)しました。(かれ)研究所(けんきゅうじょ)は、日本(にほん)感染症(かんせんしょう)研究(けんきゅう)中心(ちゅうしん)として重要(じゅうよう)役割(やくわり)()たしました。



New Japanese Bills

Did you know that starting July 3, 2024, the Japanese government will issue new 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 1,000 yen bills with Eiichi Shibusawa on the 10,000 yen bill, Umeko Tsuda on the 5,000 yen bill, and Shibasaburo Kitasato on the 1,000 yen bill? Today, we would like to introduce you to each of them.

Eiichi Shibusawa

Eiichi Shibusawa was a Japanese businessman, politician, and philanthropist, widely known as the man who laid the foundation of Japan's modern economy. His achievements include:

Business contributions: He helped establish about 500 companies and organizations, including the First National Bank (now Mizuho Bank), the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and Tokyo Gas. His business philosophy was based on "Analects and the abacus" and emphasized the harmony of ethics and profit.

Social Contribution: He actively participated in charitable and social projects. He contributed to Japanese society's development through activities in various fields, including education, healthcare, and welfare.

Political Activities: He was also an active politician and helped form fiscal and economic policies for the Meiji government. He was also instrumental in developing Japan's international economic relations and promoting foreign-country exchanges.

Culture and Education Promotion: He stressed the importance of education and supported many educational institutions. He also devoted himself to preserving and promoting traditional Japanese culture.

People highly regard his life and accomplishments as a contributor to the foundation of the current Japanese economy and as someone who promoted a philosophy that emphasized a balance between social ethics and business.

Umeko Tsuda

Umeko Tsuda was a Japanese educator and who many regard as a pioneer in Japanese women's education. Her major achievements and life events include:

Birth and Study Abroad: Umeko Tsuda was born in 1864 and went to the U.S. at six years old to study as a member of the Iwakura Mission of the Meiji government. She studied in the U.S. for ten years before going back to Japan, which greatly influenced her later career as an educator.

Educator Activities: After returning to Japan, she stressed the importance of women's education and devoted herself to establishing educational female institutions, founding Tsuda Eigaku Juku (now Tsuda College) in 1900 with the goal of providing quality education to women.

Educational Philosophy: Tsuda believed that women required higher education to become independent and active in society. Her educational philosophy emphasized not only knowledge but also character cultivation.

Societal Contributions: She greatly contributed to the women's education development in Japan. Through her efforts, she gave many women the opportunity to receive an education, and she contributed to the subsequent improvement of the women’s statuses in Japanese society.

Her life had a great impact on the women's education development in Japan, and Tsuda College, which she founded, and it continues to carry on her spirit and produce many outstanding women today.

Shibasaburo Kitasato

Shibasaburo Kitasato was a Japanese bacteriologist who contributed greatly to the development of modern medicine. His major achievements and life events include: 

Upbringing and Education: He was born in 1853 in the Kumamoto domain (present-day Kumamoto Prefecture). After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tokyo, he went to Germany to study bacteriology under Robert Koch.

Research Achievements:

Pure culture of tetanus bacillus: In 1889, he successfully obtained a pure culture of tetanus bacillus, proving tetanus bacillus as the cause of tetanus.
Serum therapy development: He succeeded in developing tetanus antitoxin serum, thereby establishing a cure for tetanus. This achievement had a great impact on the progress of medicine.
Discovery of the plague bacillus: In 1894, he discovered the plague bacillus and contributed to the diagnosis and treatment of the plague.

Education and Social Contribution: After returning to Japan, Dr. Kikuchi became a professor at the University of Tokyo, where he taught bacteriology. In 1893, he established the Kitasato Research Institute (now Kitasato University), where he trained many outstanding doctors and researchers. His institute played an important role as the center of research on infectious diseases in Japan.

International Recognition: He received many awards and honors, giving him international recognition. His research had a profound impact on the understanding and treatment of infectious disease, as many doctors still use in practice around the world today.

His life was filled with achievements that greatly contributed to the development of medicine and public health and saved many lives. His efforts and dedication were an important step in laying the foundation for modern medicine.

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