Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 229 印鑑 はんこ(いんかん はんこ)

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1. 実印(じついん)(じついん):

2. 銀行印(ぎんこういん)(ぎんこういん):

3. 認印(みとめいん)(みとめいん):


1. 契約書(けいやくしょ)署名(しょめい):

2. 公的(こうてき)書類(しょるい)手続(てつづ)き:

3. 銀行(ぎんこう)取引(とりひき):

4. 日常的(にちじょうてき)承認(しょうにん):


1. 印鑑(いんかん)作成(さくせい):

2. 印鑑(いんかん)管理(かんり):





1. 実印(じついん)作成(さくせい):


2. 印鑑(いんかん)登録(とうろく)申請(しんせい):



3. 印鑑(いんかん)登録(とうろく)証明書(しょうめいしょ)取得(しゅとく):


Hanko (Japanese seal)

Japan's seal culture

In Japan, “hanko” are important tools for proving the identity of individuals and corporations. These seals are deeply rooted in Japanese culture and business practices, and are used in a variety of situations. Below is a description of the characteristics of this seal culture and its functions.

Types of seals

1. jitsuin (official seal):
As the most important legal seal, it is used for official certificates and contracts for individuals and corporations. It is registered at the municipal office of the city, ward, town or village of residence, and a seal registration certificate is required to obtain a registered seal.

2. ginkouin (bank seal):
The seal registered when opening a bank account. It is used to withdraw deposits and manage the account.

3. mitomein (personal seal):
This seal is used for everyday documents and simple contracts. They are readily available at convenience stores and stationery stores.

Situations in which a seal is used

1. Signing contracts:
An official seal is sealed on important contracts such as real estate sales contracts, lease contracts, and employment contracts.

2. Official procedures:
An official seal is also required for official procedures such as marriage registration, divorce registration, and inheritance.

3. Bank transactions:
A bank seal is used for transactions at financial institutions, such as opening bank accounts and withdrawing deposits.

4. Day-to-day agreements:
A personal seal is used in everyday situations such as receiving packages and approving internal documents.

Creation and management of seals

1. Seal creation:
seals can be ordered and created at professional seal stores or online. You can engrave your personal name or company name, or design your own.

2. Seal management:
Important seals are carefully stored to prevent theft or loss. In homes and offices, seals are usually stored in special seal cases or safes.

Significance of seal culture and modern changes

The seal culture has played an important role in Japan as a symbol of reliability and formality. In recent years, however, with the advancement of digitization, electronic signatures and digital certificates have begun to spread. Nevertheless, seals continue to be used in many situations and remain firmly rooted in Japan's unique culture.

Foreigners can also create and register their own seals in Japan. Below are the procedures and key points for foreigners to create and register a registered personal seal.

Procedures for making and registering an official seal

1. Create an official seal:

Order a seal from a professional seal store or online store. You can engrave your name (in katakana, kanji, or alphabet) on the seal.

2. Apply for a seal registration:

Go to the municipal office of the city, ward, town or village where you are registered as a resident and apply for seal registration. The following documents are required

A Certificate of Alien Registration (Residence card) or Special Permanent Resident Certificate
The seal to be registered
Identification documents (passport, etc.)

3. Obtain a seal registration certificate:

Once your seal registration is processed, you will be issued a seal registration certificate.

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