Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 155 日本人の宗教観(にほんじんのしゅうきょうかん)







Japanese View of Religion

In Japan, there are many religious groups, mainly Buddhism, Shinto, and Christianity. Because of this, people regularly go to temples, shrines, or churches, depending on the occasion. Weddings and funerals are also variously Buddhist, Shinto, and Christian. Therefore, it is often difficult to answer when people ask what the most common religion is in Japan. In many cases, religion differs depending on the mood of the moment. In that regard, many Japanese people don't have their own religion.

I've heard that Islam doesn't exist in Japan, but it isn't true. Also, there are all Christian denominations, from Catholicism to Protestantism to Jehovah's Witnesses. There's even Mormonism in Japan. At a few places in Japan, they also serve Halal food. And, of course, there is also Japanese Halal food in Japan.

In Japan, they celebrate Christmas, but it's not a religious affair. Instead, it's celebrated as a joyous festival, rather than celebrating the birthday of Christ. In Japan, it's become customary to eat the Christmas menu from Kentucky Fried Chicken.

After Christmas comes the New Year. The first three days of the New Year are called "Sanganich", and people usually go “Hatsumode”. Hatsumode is an event where people visit shrines and temples for the first time in the new year. In Tokyo, there are “Sensoji Temples”, “Tokyo Daijingu Shrines”, “Kanda Shrines”, “Yasukuni Shrines”, “Meiji Shrines”, “Hie Shrines”, “Yushima Tenmangu Shrines”, “Jindaiji Templse”, and “Zojoji Temples”. As you can see from this list, there are Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, but this isn't an event where people feel like they're at a religious event.

In summer, there is “Obon”. “Obon” is a Buddhist-based custom where it's said that deceased ancestors come back to the earth from August 13th to 16th. Depending on the family, they may invite a monk from a temple to perform a memorial service (nenbutsu) and hold "Bon dances”, “Shoro nagashi”, and “Okuri bi". Also, people often visit graves during this time, which causes holiday traffic on trains and highways because city workers return to their hometown, which is usually located countryside.

Many other events in Japan are originated in religion, but are celebrated by people who aren't particularly religious. In Japan, religion is often a form of courtesy and not a belief. Many Japanese people do not have religious views, but it doesn't mean that they dislike religion.

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“Basashi(Horse Sashimi) – Hinotez 2, Nagoya” by Kirk K, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/>, via Flickr

Basashi wa “baniku no sashimi” no ryakushō de ari, uma no niku o usuku kitte nama de taberu Nippon ryōri no koto desu. Baniku wa gyūniku ya butaniku toitta kachiku to kuraberu to taion ga takaku 40 do hodo ari, zakkin ga zōshokushi nikui toiu riyū de, nama de taberareru no desu. Shokukan ya amami wa taberu bui niyotte kotonaru sō desu.

“Basashi,” short for “horse meat sashimi,” is a Japanese dish made of thinly sliced raw horse meat. Horse meat can be eaten raw because its body temperature is higher than that of livestock such as beef and pork, at about 40 degrees Celsius, which makes it less prone to the growth of bacteria. The texture and sweetness of the meat varies depending on which part of the horse is eaten.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 154 新年のご挨拶(しんねんのごあいさつ)







Japanese-Online / Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. 一同(いちどう)

New Year's Greetings

In Japan, “akemashite omedetou gozaimasu” is the specific greeting people use on New Year’s day. The word, “akemashite” means the beginning of the new year when written in kanji: “明kemashite”. After that, the word “omedetou” means congratulations. At the end of the polite phrase is “gozaimasu”.

In some cases, you can add “shinnen”,making it “shinnen akemashite omedetou gazimasu”. When you’re talking to a friend, you can shorten it to “akemashite omdetou”. But when speaking to superiors, you’ll need to use the whole phrase, “akemashite omdetou gazimasu”.

People generally use the phrase, “akemashite omdetou gazimasu”, until January 7th, as it means happy new year. However, businesses will usually use it until January 15th. January 15th is also known as “Matsu-no-uchi”, also known as the day to put away New Year’s decorations, signaling the end of the New Year’s holiday mood.

Even after January 15th, if you see someone you haven’t seen since before the beginning of the year, it's not uncommon to add "it's late" before wishing someone a happy new year by saying "osokunarimashitaga akemashite omedetou gozaimasu"

When someone says, “akemashite omedeto ugozaimasu”, reply with “akemashite omedetou gozaimasu”. Never just respond by saying yes. Since they’re greeting you in a polite manner, you should also reply in a polite manner. To reply in a polite manner, say “akemashite omedetou gozaimasu", or add thank you beforehand by saying “arigatou gozaimasu. Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu”.

Once again, Happy New Year. I hope you have a wonderful year.

From Japanese-Online / Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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Nipponhatsu no Senka to sareru Wadōkaichin wa 708 nen kara hakkōsareta to sareteiru. kahei toshite wa kinai to sono shūhen o nozoite amari ryūtsūshinakatta to sareru.

The Wadokaichin, Japan's first coinage, is said to have been issued from 708. As a coin, it is believed that it did not circulate much except in the Kinai region and surrounding areas.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 153 100円で何が買える(100えんでなにがかえる)







Japanese Online スタッフ一同(いちどう)

What Can you Buy with 100 Yen?

You'd think that 100 Yen is the same as one U.S dollar, but given the current exchange rate, it's actually worth about 75 cents. In the U.S., there aren't many things you can buy with 75 cents, but what can you buy with 100 yen in Japan?

The first thing that comes to mind is probably the 100 Yen store. DAISO and 100 Yen Lawson are well known in the U.S, and many items are sold for 100 Yen (or 110 Yen with tax). In those stores, they sell many kinds of tableware, stationery, and daily necessities. Many tourists also buy souvenirs and other items at 100 Yen stores. There are 100 Yen stores all over Japan, so you should definitely stop by.

If someone asks you what you can buy for 100 Yen, you can tell them that they can get conveyor-belt sushi. The most popular 100-Yen conveyor-belt sushi restaurants are "Sushiro" and "Kura Sushi”. Those conveyor-belt sushi restaurants have expanded into the U.S, but the prices in the U.S. are not 100 Yen (or 75 cents). Instead, it's at least double the price. Needless to say, considering taste and price, it is more cost-effective to go to a 100-Yen sushi restaurant in Japan.

You can also purchase convenience store coffee for 100 Yen. Typical examples are S-size coffees at 7-Eleven, Family Mart, and Lawson. Instead of pouring ready-made coffee into a cup like you do in the U.S, you can roast fresh coffee beans for each cup in Japan, so you can drink really good coffee at a low price. Also, you can choose iced coffee as well, which is great in the hot summer months.

Lastly, there are drinks you can buy from vending machines for 100 Yen. You can buy many drinks for 100 Yen, although many of them cost 120 Yen these days. You can purchase many kinds of food and drinks from vending machines, like sports drinks, soda, coffee, tea, and even soups like zenzai (Japanese red bean soup). And they're available in cold and hot varieties. As a side note, while not from vending machines, many games such as Gachapon and arcade games are also 100 Yen per game.

If there's anything else you can buy for 100 Yen in Japan, please let me know. Thank you very much for your support during this past year and from all of us at Japanese Online, Happy New Year.

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Tom Magliery, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ >, via Flickr
みなさんは衣料品(いりょうひん)や バッグ などの ファスナー に「YKK」という文字(もじ)を みかけたことはありますか?これは「YKK株式会社(かぶしきがいしゃ)」の旧社名(きゅうしゃめい)、「吉田工業(よしだこうぎょう)株式会社(かぶしきがいしゃ)」の略称(りゃくしょう)であり、日本(にっぽん)非鉄(ひてつ)金属(きんぞく)メーカー会社(かいしゃ)です。世界最大(せかいさいだい)の ファスナーメーカー として()られていて、その世界(せかい)シェア は 45%です。毎年(まいとし)生産(せいさん)されている ファスナー のおよそ半分(はんぶん)は YKK のものだそうです。

Minasan wa iryōhin ya baggu nado no fuxasuna- ni “YKK” toiu moji o mikaketa koto wa arimasu ka? Kore wa “YKK kabushikigaisha" no kyū shamei, “Yoshida kōgyō kabushikigaisha" no ryakushō de ari, Nippon no hitetsu kinzoku me-ka- kaisha desu. Sekai saidai no fuxasuna- me-ka- toshite shirareteite, sono sekai shea wa 45 pa-sento desu. Maitoshi seisansareteiru fuxasuna- no oyoso hanbun wa YKK no mono da sō desu.

Have you ever seen the letters "YKK" on the fasteners of clothing, bags, etc.? This is an abbreviation of "Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikigaisha," the former name of YKK Group, a Japanese aluminum manufacturing company. It is known as the world's largest fastener manufacturer, with a 45% share of the global fastener market. About half of all fasteners produced each year are made by YKK.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 152 2022年の漢字(2022ねんのかんじ)


2001(ねん) 戦 せん・たたかい アメリカで同時(どうじ)多発(たはつ)テロ発生(はっせい)
2002(ねん) 帰 き・かえる 北朝鮮(きたちょうせん)拉致(らち)被害者(ひがいしゃ)5(にん)帰国(きこく) 経済(けいざい)がバブル崩壊(ほうかい)()(まえ)(もど)
2003(ねん) 虎 とら 阪神(はんしん)タイガースが18(ねん)ぶりに優勝(ゆうしょう)
2004(ねん) 災 さい・わざわい 新潟県(にいがたけん)中越(ちゅうえつ)地震(じしん)発生(はっせい)や21(ねん)ぶりの浅間山(あさまやま)噴火(ふんか)(など)
2005(ねん) 愛 あい 愛知県(あいちけん)で「(あい)地球(ちきゅう)(はく)」の開催(かいさい)紀宮(のりのみや)(さま)のご成婚(せいこん)など
2006(ねん) 命 めい・いのち 悠仁(ひさひと)(さま)のご誕生(たんじょう)やいじめによる小学生(しょうがくせい)中学生(ちゅうがくせい)自殺(じさつ)(など)
2007(ねん) 偽 ご・いつわり 食品(しょくひん)政治(せいじ)、スポーツなど様々(さまざま)分野(ぶんや)(いつわ)りが発覚(はっかく)
2008(ねん) 変 へん 日本(にほん)内閣(ないかく)総理(そうり)大臣(だいじん)交代(こうたい)、アメリカの次期(じき)大統領(だいとうりょう)交代(こうたい)(など)
2009(ねん) 新 しん 民主党(みんしゅとう)中心(ちゅうしん)とした新政権(しんせいけん)発足(ほっそく)。アメリカではオバマ()大統領(だいとうりょう)
2010(ねん) 暑 しょ・あつい (なつ)観測(かんそく)史上(しじょう)最高(さいこう)猛暑(もうしょ)記録(きろく)
2011(ねん) 絆 はん・きずな 東日本(ひがしにほん)大震災(だいしんさい)新潟(にいがた)福島(ふくしま)豪雨(ごうう)など大規模(だいきぼ)災害(さいがい)などで日本(にほん)全体(ぜんたい)団結(だんけつ)
2012(ねん) 金 きん ロンドンオリンピックで過去(かこ)最多(さいた)となるメダルを獲得(かくとく)
2013(ねん) 輪 りん・わ 夏季(かき)オリンピックの東京(とうきょう)誘致(ゆうち)成功(せいこう)東日本(ひがしにほん)大震災(だいしんさい)復興(ふっこう)()けた人々(ひとびと)()
2014(ねん) 税 ぜい 17(ねん)ぶりに(おこな)われた消費(しょうひ)税率(ぜいりつ)()()
2015(ねん) 安 あん 安全(あんぜん)保障(ほしょう)関連(かんれん)法案(ほうあん)での与野党(よやとう)対立(たいりつ)国会(こっかい)周辺(しゅうへん)による不安(ふあん)
2016(ねん) 金 きん リオ五輪(ごりん)(おお)くの(きん)メダルを獲得(かくとく)
2017(ねん) 北 ほく・きた 北朝鮮(きたちょうせん)による弾道(だんどう)ミサイルの発射(はっしゃ)核実験(かくじっけん)強行(きょうこう)など
2018(ねん) 災 さい・わざわい 西日本(にしにほん)豪雨(ごうう)北海道(ほっかいどう)胆振(いぶり)東部(とうぶ)地震(じしん)大阪府(おおさかふ)北部(ほくぶ)地震(じしん)などの自然(しぜん)災害(さいがい)
2019(ねん) 令 れい 2019(ねん)5(がつ)からの(しん)元号(げんごう)令和(れいわ)」に
2020(ねん) 密 みつ 三(みつ)密閉(みっぺい)」「密集(みっしゅう)」「密接(みっせつ)
2021(ねん) 金 きん オリンピックで多数(たすう)(きん)メダルを獲得(かくとく)


Kanji of the Year 2022

Every year, Japan votes on what kanji should represent the past year. The one that receives the most votes is then named the kanji of the year. Let's take a look at what kanji Japan chose in past years and what may have influenced those choices.

2001 戦: War: The 9/11 terrorist attacks occur in the U.S.
2002 帰: Return: Five victims of North Korean abductions return to Japan and the economy recedes to the level it was before the bubble economy burst.
2003 虎: Tiger: The Hanshin Tigers win the championship for the first time in 18 years
2004 災: Disaster: The Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake and the first eruption of Mount Asama in 21 years occurred.
2005 愛: Love: In the Aichi prefecture, the Aichi Expo occurred and Princess Norinomiya got married.
2006 命: Life: Prince Hisahito was born and many elementary and junior high students die by sucide as a result of bullying.
2007 偽: Fake in various fields such as food, politics, politics, and sports, we discovered falsehoods.
2008 変: Change: Japan elected a new Prime Minister as the U.S elected a new president.
2009 新: New: The Democratic Party of Japan forms and leads a new government as Barrack Obama becomes the new president of the United States.
2010 暑: Heat: Japan experiences the hottest summer ever recorded in Japan's history
2011 絆: Bonds: The people of Japan unite after the Great East Japan earthquake in addition to other large-scale disasters like torrential rains in Niigata and Fukushima.
2012 金: Gold: Japan wins a record number of medals at the London Olympics.
2013 輪: Circle: The circle of people unite and successfully bid to host the summer olympics in Tokyo as the country recovers from the Great East Japan Earthquake.
2014 税: Tax: The consumption tax rate in Japan increases for the first time in 17 years.
2015 安: Safe: The conflict between the ruling and opposing parties over a national security bill causes anxiety among the National Diet of Japan.
2016 金: Gold: Japan wins many gold medals at the Rio Olympics.
2017 北: North: North Korea launches ballistic missiles, which forces the need to run nuclear tests.
2018 災: Disaster: Natural disasters like the torrential rains in western Japan, the Hokkaido Iburi East Earthquake, and the northern Osaka Prefecture earthquake occur.
2019 令: Beautiful: Starting May 2019, Japan adopts a new era name: "令和(reiwa).
2020 密: Density: The Covid-19 pandemic occurs and inspires the saying, "confined and enclosed spaces. Crowded places, in close proximity" to encourag people to distance themselves to prevent getting sick.
2021 金: Gold: Japan wins numerous gold medals at the Olympics.

This year, Japan chose "Sen" (戦), meaning "war" or "battle" to symbolize 2022. This is partly meant to draw attention to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the battles taking place in various places in Ukrainia. It also symbolizes the World Cup, the fight against inflation, and the still ongoing fight against Covid-19. The last time Japan chose this kanji was in 2001, which was the year the terrorist attacks took place in the United States.

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日本(にっぽん)最古(さいこ)遺跡(いせき)島根県(しまねけん)出雲市(いずもし)にある砂原(すなはら)遺跡(いせき)です。 (やく)11(まん)(ねん)から12(まん)(ねん)(まえ)のものとされています。
Nippon saiko no iseki wa Shimaneken Izumoshi ni aru sunahara iseki desu. yaku 11 man nen kara 12 man nen mae no mono to sareteimasu.

The oldest archaeological site in Japan is the Sunahara Ruins in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture. It is believed to be approximately 110,000 to 120,000 years old.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 151 ローマ字の問題(ローマじのもんだい)


(たと)えば(わたし)名前(なまえ)はひらがなで()くと「うちくら けんいち」です。これをローマ()()くと Uchikura Kenichi になります。


日本語(にほんご)での発音(はつおん)は、「う」「ち」「く」「ら」「け」「ん」「い」「ち」と8つの文字(もじ)ですが、これをローマ()発音(はつおん)すると「うU」「ちChi」「くKu」「らRa」「けKe」「に Ni」「ちChi 」になってしまいます。それは「ん N」の発音(はつおん)単体(たんたい)では存在(そんざい)しないので(となり)の「い I」とつながって「に Ni」なってしまうからです。

ですから日本語(にほんご)発音(はつおん)する場合(ばあい)は N が「ん」という単体(たんたい)なのか Na「な」 Ni「に」 Nu「ぬ」 Ne「ね」 No「の」 の一部(いちぶ)なのかを(かんが)える必要(ひつよう)があります。日本語(にほんご)発音(はつおん)基本的(きほんてき)にひらがなを一文字(いちもじ)ずつ発音(はつおん)することが基本(きほん)です。ですから日本語(にほんご)勉強(べんきょう)するときは、できるだけ(はや)時期(じき)にひらがなを勉強(べんきょう)するようにしましょう。

The Problem with Romaji

When studying Japanese, studying “Hiragana", "Katakana", and "Kanji" from the beginning is rare. Instead, you’ll start by studying “romaji” first. However, the Japanese language isn’t based on romaji. So, it’s common for people to pronounce words learned in romaji strangely.

For example, my name in hiragana is "うちくら けんいち (Uchikura Kenichi)”, but the romaji pronunciation actually changes when compared to the Japanese one.


The Japanese pronunciation is "U", "Chi", "Ku", "Ra", "Ke", "N", "I”, and "Chi". But when pronounced in romaji, it becomes " U", "Chi", "Ku", "Ra", "Ke", "Ni", and "Chi". The reason why the pronunciation changes is because the “N” does not pronounce as a single “N” and is instead connected to the adjacent “I” and thus becomes “Ni”.

Therefore, when pronouncing words in Japanese, considering whether “N” is a single “N” or a part of "Na", "Ni", "Nu", "Ne", or No". Pronouncing words in Japanese is essentially based on pronouncing hiragana one character at a time. So, when learning Japanese, try to study hiragana as early as possible.

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Eric Gaba (Wikimedia Commons user Sting), CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
日本(にっぽん)海岸線(かいがんせん)世界(せかい)で 6番目(ばんめ)(なが)い29,751km であり、地球(ちきゅう)1(しゅう)(なが)さのおよそ 7(わり)です。

Nippon no kaigansen wa sekai de roku banme ni nagai 29,751 km de ari, chikyū isshūno nagasa no oyoso nana wari desu.

Japan has the sixth longest coastline in the world at 29,751 km, or roughly 70% of the distance around Earth.

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