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Useful Google Chrome extensions for building a website

Useful Google Chrome extensio...
Every day we surf the Internet we rely on web browsers to serve us content both reliably and quickly. Like all things involving technology, they are constantly evolving and improving. The question is, are you getting the most out of your web browser? If you are not using browser extensions (sometimes referred to as add-ons) you may not be.

What are browser extensions?

A browser extension is a software module that runs within the web browser that customizes that instance of the web browser specifically for you.

Useful extensions for building a website

Today we are going to talk about extensions for Google Chrome, as it is “king of the mountain” when it comes to global market share. However, all major web browsers offer extensions to make your browsing experience easier, more efficient and customized to your needs.

Below is a list of just a few of the useful browser extensions that will help you as you look to build your website. These are helpful not only to Web Development professionals but to savvy business owners that want to go the DIY route (we have a tool for that).

GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture
When it comes to building your website, sometimes you may want to capture screenshots of your progress to send to other internal stakeholders. This plugin adds a simple camera icon to your browser. Click the icon once and it will capture the entire page (what you see and what you can’t). From there you can download it in .png, .jpg, or .pdf formats.

Grammarly for Chrome
When it comes to preparing content for your website, it is important you provide professional and well-written content. The Grammarly plugin will look at the text you have written within the browser and point out misspellings and offer grammar suggestions.

Fun fact: We use Grammarly every week when it comes to proofing and editing this blog.

Resolution Test
When it comes to testing your website it’s important you consider your users. People will view your website on all types of devices with different screen resolutions. With this add-on, you can click a button and choose various screen resolutions. It will open a unique browser window for each resolution, allowing you to see how your site looks to those users.

These are just a few browser extensions available through Chrome. There are thousands of extensions for all purposes available in the Chrome Web Store. When it comes to choosing between similar extensions we recommend looking at their rating and how frequently they update to ensure you are using the best of the best.

Screenshot of the Chrome web store

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at info@pspinc.com or visit us online at https://www.pspinc.com.
#BrowserExtensions #Chrome #Google #GoogleChrome #WebBrowser #WebDevelopment #Website


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