- ハッシュタグ「#pspinc」の検索結果2427件
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
We asked everyone to check their temperature every morning.
Some politicians are using Coronavirus to sell their name and gain popularity. It is very unfortunate. It is a time to unite and help each other. I do not like any business trying to make money by using Coronavirus.
It is a time to save lives. Not sell the name or make money.
It I snot much but we are buying lunch from local restaurants. That are doing their best stay business. We thank them for that.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. has implemented company chat rooms where everybody login and report the progress. In addition, all our meetings are done using Zoom system.
We currently have 1/4 of our employees working remotely. So far the productivities has not suffered too much but we are holding the release of some of the new products.
If we were eggs ... this is what it suppose to look like.
We ordered Tres Sandwich today.
We help local economy.
COMPUTEX TAIPEI has been rescheduled for September 28 to 30, 2020.
This is one trade show that I visit every year. I think September might be too optimistic but I hope we can go there.
I posted some of the pictures from past COMPUTEX.
We do not want you to be sick!!!
drink lots of hot liquids, coffee, soups, teas, warm water… in addition, take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes… because this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus into your stomach where the gastric juices will neutralize it
gargle with an antiseptic in warm water like vinegar or salt or lemon every day if possible
virus attaches to hair and clothes..any detergent with soap kills it take a bath or shower when you get in from the street .. if you cannot wash clothes daily , hang them in sunlight
wash metallic surfaces carefully.. virus can be live for 9 days… watch handrails, door handles …
wash hands every 20 minutes using any soap that foams
try to avoid eating and drinking cold things… if you feel any discomfort in throat … attack it immediately… virus enters the system this way and stays 3-4 days before enters the lungs…
Let's be healthy as long as we can.
Please try not to get sick!
I try my best to not to get sick.
I do this so I can spare one hospital bed for a person who really need it.
The worst thing that could happen is when our medical system is overrun by the number of patients. So long as we keep the concurrent Coronavirus cases under the hospital max, we are okay. Once we surpass that, we become another Italy.
Let's do everything we can to protect our medical system,
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