
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

More comment you write, more link you...

More comment you write, more...
Many companies use BLOG for SEO. But just posting the Blog is not always enough. (Although it is better than nothing.) Bloguru (http://www.bloguru.com) is design to maximize your search engine exposure by creating as many natural link as possible. For instance, if you create a Bloguru Buddy, you are creating a link from your buddy site to your Bloguru. So, more buddies you have, more exposure you have to search engines.

Another tip is that every time you comment on some comment on Bloguru while you are logged in, you are creating a link back from your comment to your Bloguru. So, if you see a posting that you think it is interesting, just reply "Nice" or "Great Job". You will be motivating fellow Bloguru users and helping your site as well.

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Golf today

I went to play golf today. It was supposed to be rain today, but there was no rain. I shot 96. It was not good, but lately I have not been playing well.


Monthly Company Lunch

Monthly Company Lunch
We had monthly company lunch today. It was Indian Food from Near by Indian Food place called Mayuri. It was a great lunch and we had enough left over to take some home.


Sirius XM Radio

Sirius XM Radio
My new car came with 90 day trial version of Sirius XM Radio. There are two problems.

(1) You can't hear anything if there is a roof over your car.
(2) 240+ Channel ... Just too many and navigation is one channel at a time.

I am keep going back to regular radio. I will connect my MP3 player when my trial subscription is over.


What have we learned?

What have we learned?

What did we learn from this recession?

If you are too big to fail, you are too big to fail.
If you make money you are doing something illegal.
If you don’t make money, you are screwed.
If you outsource your production overseas, you are evil.
If you don’t outsource your production overseas, are stupid.
If you provide health care, you are screwed.
If you don’t have healthcare, someone will pay for it.
If you work hard, you pay more tax.
If you don’t work, taxpayers will pay you.
If you want to buy a house, it is too expensive.
If you want to sell a house, it is too cheap.

So, what have we learned?

Business as usual.


Heinrich's Law

Heinrich's Law

Have you ever heard of Heinrich's Law?

To leading up to a major incident (accident), there are 3000 unsafe actions, that lead to 300 near misses that lead to 29 minor accidents that lead to one major accident.

If you can eliminate 3000 unsafe conditions, you will be able to avoid major accident. Basically, there will not be any major accident if there is nothing leading up to that. So,, it is our mission not to have any unsafe conditions.


Seattle Business Networking

Seattle Business Networking

When you search "Seattle Business Networking" on Google, Seattle Executives Associations Web Site comes on top. That is great. But look little below and you will find a Seattle Executives Association Blog in the first page.

Do you think Bloguru is a good investment for your company? Considering it costs nothing and little bit of you time, your ROI will be good, don't you think?

If you would like to start Bloguru, please send me a message, I will send you an invitation. Bloguru is an invitation only advertisement free blog service of Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.


Is Bloguru Good for Your Business?

Is Bloguru Good for Your Busi...

When I search Google "American Solutions for Business-SEATTLE", the bloguru page comes up before their home page.

I think Bloguru is good for your business, don't you?


Could someone loan me a billion dollar?

Could someone loan me a billi...
Web Hosting Company GoDaddy For Sale At $ 1 Billion Or More

GoDaddy is a web hosting company largely known for their domain registration services. In addition to web hosting, the company also indulges in the sales of domain names and domain space and domain registration on its servers. The company is a private holding of a former US Marine who intends to sell it away at a whopping price of $ 1 billion. While it is a huge price, the company actually makes great sales and profits would be soaring high too, supposedly.Bob Parsons, the owner of the company is an outspoken, extrovert man who seems to always find a way to be in the talks. Some of the advertisements of GoDaddy.com that are screened during the Super Bowl become major talking points and kids and young adults gossip about them for weeks. However, that doesn't mean the company is only good at making controversial commercials.

Anonymous reports say that last year this company has made sales of about three quarters of $ 1 billion. GoDaddy was a talking point in Wall Street for quite some time. Earlier this year, the company was tipped to be made public by the owner. However, that did not happen. Instead, Bob Parsons has invited private equity bids of over $ 1 billion on Wall Street recently.

Quatalyst Partners seems to be showing keen interest in the Artizona based company on Wall Street. Quatalyst Partners is known for advising 3PAR on making investment decisions during the recent auction bids between HP and Dell. The owner, Frank Quattrone seems to have keen interest in cutting of this deal with GoDaddy.


Japanese Yen is at its highest since '95

Japanese Yen is at its highest ...
This morning the exchange rate between US$ and Japanese hit the record low for THE US$ since 1995. It is trading under 83 Yen to a US$. This exchange rate (if continues) will have devastating effect on Japanese export economy.


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