Thank you for using Bloguru. We are pleased to announce that we have updated Bloguru's hashtags feature. When creating a new post or editing a post, you can now find all of the hashtags you have ever used, sorted by the number of times you have used a hashtag! Your most popular hashtags will be at the top and your ...
How nice!!! Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-....
道路(どうろ)に「止(と)まれ」と書(か)かれている場所(ばしょ)では白線(はくせん)で止(と)まりましょう。「止(と)まれ」は、止(と)まるの命令形(めいれいけい)です。 douro ni 「 to mare 」 to ka ka re te iru basyo de ha hakusen de ...
Dreamersi is our flagship Domain + Web + Email hosting service. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing...
Social Contribution There are times when "social contribution" is mentioned as a goal of a company's operation. However, it is important to remember t...
この木(き)は御神体(ごしんたい)です。特定(とくてい)の木(き)や森(もり)、岩(いわ)、海(うみ)、川(かわ)、滝(たき)、山(やま)などが神様(かみさま)の宿(やど)る場所(ばしょ)と考(かんが)えられています。ちなみに富士山(ふじさん)も御神体(ごしんたい)です kono ki ha gos...
Why is the US leading in the infections and deaths by Corona Virus?
DENREI Now available for free trial. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. __....
駄菓子屋(だがしや)は、価格(かかく)の安(やす)いお菓子(かし)やおもちゃを買(か)うことができるお店(みせ)で子供(こども)の社交場(しゃこうば)のようなところです。最近(さいきん)はお店(みせ)が少(すく)なくなってきていて、あまり見(み)かけません。 dagashiya ha 、 kakak...
One of the many things I miss being in Japan is Bento. When I travel from Tokyo to Osaka on the Shinkansen High Speed Rail, I buy one bento like this ...