PSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) provides a broad range of IT, software, and web services, including: Domain, Web & Email Hosting at D...
What Happens When You Start a Business When considering starting a business, many people face a variety of uncertainties. Questions like, “How do I se...
投稿日 2025-02-13 03:00
ウチクラ ケンイチ
起業するとどうなるのか 起業を考えると、多くの人が様々な不安に直面します。「会社の作り方は?」「費用はどれくらいかかるの?」「経理はどうやるの?」など、次々と湧き上がる疑問や不安が、最初の一歩を妨げることも少なくありません。しかし、それらを乗り越えれば、自分の価値を自分で決められる喜びや充実感を得る...
I had a kidney transplant on February 1st, and today is February 12th. It feels both fast and slow at the same time—11 days have passed. Naturally, I ...
It’s now 6 AM on Wednesday. I just woke up. I have a medical checkup at the hospital starting at 9 AM today, so I woke up a little earlier than usual....
投稿日 2025-02-12 23:10
ウチクラ ケンイチ
今は水曜日の午前6時。目が覚めました。今日は9時から病院で検査があるので、少し早めの目覚めです。トイレの方はまだ近いですが、それでも1時間近く寝れるようになってきました。体調もなんとなく体調も元に戻ってきているような気がします。 腎臓1つでこれだけ体が変わるのですね。素晴らしい費用の力、また人間...
After I got off the surgery I was served protain jelly. I found same gelatin-based protein jelly on Amazon and bought it. Each one contains 20 grams o...
投稿日 2025-02-12 11:46
ウチクラ ケンイチ
The Trump administration and the way it operates, along with figures like Musk, who aim to reduce America's wasteful spending, are exhilarating to wat...
After undergoing surgeries for diabetes, anemia, kidney disease, and liver cancer, I spent nearly three years on dialysis. I received dialysis on Mond...