
Tokyo Jizake Strolling (State of Emergency)


By Ryuji Takahashi

As the coronavirus vaccination started in Japan, the light at the end of the tunnel signals an end to the coronavirus pandemic despite more people getting infected. Japan declared the third state of emergency for Tokyo, requested large facilities to suspend operations, and restaurants to stop serving alcohol and close after 08:00 PM. Telework became mainstream with less reasons for residents to venture outdoors. Compared to the initial state of emergency however, more people still crowd business districts and areas near train stations where young people gather. Since alcohol cannot be served in restaurants, young people drink alcohol purchased in convenience stores in the streets.
Assistance funds from Tokyo as compensation to businesses for cutting hours were delayed numerous times, leaving restaurants falling behind on rent and employee wages. Left with no choice but to ignore the suspension request, restaurants resumed serving alcohol and business operations late into the night. Due to this unprecedented development, restaurant owners unable to discern the right course of action had no time to wait for decisions by the city or government, gambling their survival at their own discretion. Under such trying times, it is often said “Japanese sake is increasing in demand, purchased by the general public drinking at home.” To be honest, the demand hasn’t changed. The state of emergency declared last April and May increased online drinking parties and TV programs featuring how to enjoy drinks at home.
However, sake selections are few. The frequency of purchases by regular customers slightly increased, while no new customers are coming in. Sake shops are struggling since no restaurants are placing orders. Sake breweries face the same predicament as more breweries are suspending or closing their businesses. To break through this crisis, Kanemasu Brewery of Niigata prefecture introduced a new seasonal sake product “Kamakiri-shouzu Junmai” to reaffirm the four seasons of Japan and warm the hearts of consumers. “Nomikiri” means to inspect the aging and flavor of sake produced by a brewery for bacteria, etc., that could cause the flavor to deteriorate.
Some breweries occasionally invite experts from the brewery inspection agency and regular clients to their Nomikiri, a term that originated from the act of cutting off the seal at the bottom of the brewery’s storage tank to release the sake. “Nijyuu-sisekki” (“Twenty-four Seasons”) refers to one year divided into four seasons (spring, summer, winter and fall), further divided into six micro-seasons. Because the timing overlapped with “Boushu” (June 6) at “Kamakiri-shouzu” (approximately June 5~20), the product was named “Kamakiri-shouzu Junmai.”
A gentle Ginjo aroma with a smooth palate, slightly high in alcohol content not detectable in its smooth texture. The risk of coronavirus infection must soon be eliminated for restaurants to be able to serve alcohol openly, or this seasonal sake will not be available for long, one more reason to pray the coronavirus pandemic will end very soon.

しかし、現在は酒類が悪者扱いである。常連様の買い物回数が少し増えただけで、新規の来店数は殆ど増えていない。しかも飲食店からの注文はゼロなので酒販店としては厳しい状況である。それは酒蔵も同じで、廃業・休造の酒蔵が増えている中、何とかこの状況を打開しようと、この殺伐とした中、日本の季節を再確認させてくれて、心豊かになる季節商品が発売された。それは新潟県の金升酒造の「蟷螂生(かまきりしょうず)呑み切り純米」である。呑み切りとは、酒蔵で貯蔵した酒の熟成や味わいを利き酒で把握し、劣化の原因となる菌などが発生していないか検査を行う事である。酒蔵によっては蔵内の人間だけでなく、指導機関の先生を招いたり、得意先を呼んで行う事が有る。酒蔵貯蔵タンクの下に有る栓の「呑み」を切って酒を出すことから名前が来ており、二十四節季「芒種(ぼうしゅ)」の初候七十二候の「蟷螂生(かまきりしょうず)」と時期が重なることから、「蟷螂生 呑み切り純米」としたそうだ。穏やかな吟醸香があり、角が取れまろやかで、アルコール度数が少し高めだが、それを感じさせない滑らかな味わいとなっている。コロナウイルスの脅威が去り、飲食店が酒類を堂々と提供できる時が早く来なければ本当に飲めなくなる季節酒なので、このコロナ過が早く収まることを願うばかりである。
#covid19 #daiginjo #emergency #jizake #junmai #nigori #sake #tokyo


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