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Social Media Security Concerns

Social Media Security Concerns
With the influx of data over the past few years, it’s only become more widely available. With it, security concerns online have only amplified. While social media and the internet have been greatly beneficial in numerous ways, it’s also opened the door for hacking opportunities. Most internet users today know to take precautions like setting up a firewall, but it doesn’t prevent cyberattacks. The intimate atmosphere of social media makes it even easier for hacks to occur. Users are less likely to proceed with caution because people feel they’re among friends on social media.

Over-Sharing Information

a man taing a selfie of himself standing on a balcony that overlooks the ocean

Among friends, it can be very easy to share personal details. But many users are unaware they’re opening themselves up to online scams. But sometimes, users share their private information entirely by accident. For example, users sharing pictures of their home renovations may not realize they might be inadvertently sharing their home address. The general rule of thumb when posting on social media is not to publicize your email, phone number, or location.

Phishing Scams

two hands coding on a laptop with green text on the black laptop screen

Even though phishing scams are more associated with email, it's gotten big on social media too. And targeting people on social platforms is even easier for hackers. All they have to do is create a post tailored to users' interests and include a link. With so much personal information readily available, users will most likely click on it. This type of phishing scam is called spear phishing and can be very effective. Spear phishing can also happen after creating fake accounts. Social media users frequently accept friend requests from people they don’t know, making it easier for hackers. After the user accepts the friend request, scammers can send a link via a direct message and because you’re friends, many users will click on the link.

Staying Safe Online

a girl taking a selfie with a boy while they both holding up peace signs

However, it's one thing to be aware of these potential hacks but even better to take precautionary measures to prevent them. Apart from being wary of what you post online, you can also enable 2-factor authentication (2FA), a feature available on almost every mainstream social platform. 2FA requires you to answer a question or enter a code after entering your password. This extra signup step makes it harder for cybercriminals to access your account. And it’s why many password managers use it to secure your passwords, Pass Wizard included.

But even if you take all the necessary precautions, hacks can still happen on social media. Not just from individual hackers but also from big corporations as everything you share is public. And advertisers can sell, buy, and use your data, whether you realize it or not. So, while the friendly nature of social media is attractive, it invites plenty of security risks. However, we created our new social platform, DENREI, with cyber security in mind. Unlike traditional social platforms, your data is never sold or shared, making all the information you share private.

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