



Herbsprout is a webblog and podcast dedicated to sharing the health benefits of herbs, food, innovations related to our gut microbiome. Herbsprout seeks to bridge the vast chasm dividing the mainstream medical community and alternative medicine.

Antarctic is home to life giving nitrogen microbes

source: dreamstime.com source: dreamstime.com
An October 28 2020 article in The Scientist says researchers found nitrate fixing microbiome in the Antarctic. This select group of microbes are known as diazotrophs.

A key building block of life, they can pull N2 gas out the air or from water and convert it into ammonium, a process called nitrogen fixation, according to Deborah Bronk, a chemical oceanographer of the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in Maine.

Nitrogen fixing was previously believed to only be possible in warmer climates. A separate but related study made similar findings reported just two days earlier in The Scientist by Naomi Harada, a geochemist at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology and co-author Takuhei Shiozaki. They found cyanobacterium UCYN-A was the major diazotroph, previously believed to only be found in tropical regions, according to Shiozaki.



Possible link between food allergies and gut microbiome; 腸内細菌叢とアレルギーと可能な関連

Possible link b...
A recent study reported September 14 2020 by the Genetic Literacy Project said immunologist Dr. Cathryn Nagler at the University of Chicago prevented severe allergic reactions in mice by giving them gut microbes from healthy, non-allergic human babies.

Dr. Nagler found that by feeding collagen to allergic mice using a tube that reached down into their stomachs, to their gut microbiome, resulted in the mice getting better. Something a mouse is normally allergic to turns into something harmless if introduced directly into the gut. This led Nagler to believe allergic reactions can be due to imbalances in the community of beneficial bacteria, or microbiome, that lives in our guts.

Further testing proved to be fruitful. When Nagler and her team introduced healthy gut microbiome from healthy non-allergenic mice, the allergic mice got better.


See related article on gut microbiome and allergies:

JAPANESE VERSION: 内細菌叢とアレルギーと可能な関連

遺伝的識字プロジェクト(Genetic Literacy Project) によって2020年9月14日に報告された最近の研究によると、シカゴ大学の免疫学者Dr. Cathryn Naglerは、健康でアレルギーのない人間の赤ちゃんの腸内細菌叢を与えるとマウスの重度のアレルギー反応を予防する。

Dr. Cathryn Naglerは、胃や腸内細菌叢に届くチューブを使用してアレルギーマウスにコラーゲンを供給することにより、マウスが良くなることを発見しました。マウスの腸に直接導入された場合、通常はアレルギーになるものが無害なものに変わります。これにより、Naglerは、アレルギー反応は、腸内に生息する有益な細菌またはマイクロバイオームのコミュニティの不均衡が原因である可能性があると考えました。



Sugar diets are not healthy especially for IBD patients; 砂糖食は特に炎症性腸疾患IBDの患者にとっては健康的ではありません

Sugar diets are...
On October 28 2020 Inverse reported the impact of sugar consumption in mice led by co-author, Hasan Zaki, a researcher at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. He and his team studied the effects of different types of sugars on gut microbiome by testing inflammatory responses on gut microbiota in mice.

They tested the impact of glucose, sucrose, and fructose on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The mice were fed high levels of these sugars for one to five weeks.

Mice that were given these high sugar diets suffered from aggressive colon inflammation with severe diarrhea and a rapid loss of nearly 20 percent of their body weight. The sugar was fed to a particular gut bacteria called Akkermansia muciniphila, known to degrade mucus in the gut lining.

Researchers also transferred the gut microbiota of sugar-fed mice into healthy mice. The result also exacerbated healthy mice, who received the gut microbiota transferred from the sugar fed mice.

2020年10月28日、共著者に指導でテキサス大学南西医療センターの研究者のHasan Zakiがマウスの砂糖消費の影響について報告しました。





See the following articles on IBD for additional information:


#IBD #ai #bacteria #cardiovasculardisease #datascience #gutmicrobiome #health #healthinnovation #healthtech #obesity #wellness


Gut microbiome play major role in mate for honeybee

Gut microbiome play major rol...
Though related across colonies, bees possess colony-specific chemical signatures largely determined by the colony environment, according to an October 14 2020 Science Advances article. This is true, rather than solely relying on genetic variants shared by nestmates (1).

However, nestmate recognition cues in honey bees are defined, at least in part, by another piece of the puzzle. That is, bees share characteristics of the gut microbiome across individual colony members according to the report.

The new research shows that honey bees have shared gut microbial communities specific to their colonies that communicate with chemical cues. The research was led by Cassondra L. Vernier, postdoctoral associate at the University of Illinois, in cooperation with Yehuda Ben-Shahar, professor of biology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis (2).

1. https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/42/eabd3431

2. https://scitechdaily.com/honey-bee-its-me-gut-bacteria-is-key-to-bee-id/


Does Gut Health searches on Google help locate Covid 19 hotspots?

Does Gut Health searches on ...
It is commonly experienced by Covid-19 patients to have gastrointestinal issues such as gut irritation or diarrhea.

A September 12 2020 Bloomberg report of Massachusetts General Hospital research found that the public searches on Google correlated strongly with Covid cases in New York, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts and Illinois -- three to four weeks before contracting the disease.

These searches were associated with Covid 19 symptoms related to the gastrointestinal issues, and can serve as an advanced indicator of hotspots before they happen.



A bacteria is found to generate electricity

A bacteria is found to generat...
Imagine if humans could breathe in air and breathe out electricity. That's not so far from the truth for some bacteria. It is commonly accepted among scientists that two bacteria, Shewanella and Geobacter conduct small amounts of electricity.

Bacteria have no mouth or lungs. The bacteria called Geobacter swallows organic waste and exhale electrons which generates a tiny electric current in the process, according to a September 19 2020 article by Live Science.

Nikhil Malvankar, an assistant professor at Yale University's Microbial Science Institute in Connecticut, told Live Science that Geobacter are 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair, but by breathing through a snorkel they trasmit electrons hundreds to thousands of times the length of their body (1).

An August 20 2020 article by Science magazine says Dr. Lars Peter Nielsen of Aarhus University, Denmark, found bacteria that join cells end to end to build electrical cables able to carry current up to 5 centimeters through mud (2).

Theoretically, this suggests that it might be possible to manipulate bacteria to create enough microbe-generated energy for consumer use, as in a "microbe-battery". TBD.

1. https://www.livescience.com/amp/electron-breathing-geobacter-microbes.html

2. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/08/electric-mud-teems-new-mysterious-bacteria#:~:text=But%20the%20more%20researchers%20have,moving%20electrons%20over%20shorter%20distances.
#digitalhealth #electric #gutbacteria #guthealth #microbiome


Ancient toilets hint of original human gut microbiome

source: dreamstime.com source: dreamstime.com
An October 06 2020 article by the Archaeological Institute of America had an interesting story about toilets from days long past? Microbiome found in the latrines of medieval period Jerusalem and Riga Latvia show similarity to modern hunter gatherer microbiomes and modern industrial microbiomes,” according to Susanna Sabin of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History quoted in the article. However they are slightly different possessing their own unique characteristics.

These findings may help us understand the originating microorganisms of the human gut before the widespread use of antibiotics and processed foods.



Another potential disease prevention tied to gut microbiome and SCFAs

Another potential disease preve...
A September 30 2020 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News article reported that Keio University School of Medicine's Dr. Hitoshi Tsugawa may have found a new approach to disease prevention. Tsugawa's study of mice demonstrated interaction between an immune cell protein, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and gastrointestinal bacteria in our gut. The interaction triggers protection against Salmonella infection.

Some of the gut microbial species inside our gut can break down fiber eaten as part of the diet into short-chain fatty acids, which protect against the potential infections such as Shigella, E. Colin, and Salmonella, the report said. The study also examined how SCFA receptors contribute to the regulation of innate immune responses.

Tsugawa's team found that the SCFAs could bind to a protein called apoptosis-associated speck-like protein (ASC) to, prevent the inflammatory process. ASC is part of an inflammasome complex, which helps to activate the inflammatory response.



Impact of microbiota, heat and aging bones

Impact of microbiota, heat and ...
On September 11 2020, Medical Express reported that a research team from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, observed that bone strength is enhanced by exposure to warmer ambient temperatures (34 °C). They also observed how temperature affects gut bacteria.

When microbiomes need to adapt to heat, it leads to a disruption in the synthesis and degradation of polyamines, molecules that are involved in aging, and in particular in bone health, according to the article.



Changing dynamics of gut microbiome in IBD patients

Changing dynamics of gut micr...
Dr. Janst Jansson and colleagues of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory determined the composition of the gut microbiomes in over 100 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in three month intervals to determine how these microbiomes differ over time.

They found that IBD patients experienced erratic fluctuations in their gut microbiomes when compared to healthy individuals, which offers a valid way to monitor IBD patients. These fluctations appear to be correlated with the level of medications used by the patients.

As studies like these tend to do, it calls for medication- specific studies of positive and/or negative influences of each medication on the human gut microbiome. It may answer questions such as, "how are medications affecting these gut microbiome fluctuations?"




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