

  • ハッシュタグ「#diet」の検索結果35件


Herbsprout is a webblog and podcast dedicated to sharing the health benefits of herbs, food, innovations related to our gut microbiome. Herbsprout seeks to bridge the vast chasm dividing the mainstream medical community and alternative medicine.

腸を元気にする 6 つのハーブ; 6 herbs that heal the gut

Dr. Nicole Apelian Dr. Nicole Apelian Lion’s mane mus... Lion’s mane mushroom

The following is part two by guest author Dr. Nicole Apelian. She was among the first women selected for the History Channel’s hit TV show “Alone”. She has B.S and M.S. degrees in Biology from McGill University in Canada and the University of Oregon. She earned her Doctorate through Prescott College.

腸を元気にする 6 つのハーブ

以下は、ゲスト著者であるニコールアペリアン博士によるパート 2 です。彼女は、ヒ ストリーチャンネルの人気テレビ番組「アローン」に選ばれた最初の女性の一人でし た。 彼女は、カナダのマギル大学およびオレゴン大学で生物学の学位を取得し、学士号と修 士号を持っています。彼女はプレスコット大学で博士号を取得しました。
私は、腸を癒し、健康な微生物叢を促進する 霊芝・ライオンのたてがみ・七面鳥の尾 の薬用キノコ・オオバコ・アスリッパリーニレ・マシュマロ、6 つの特別なハーブを使 用しています。この植物は、炎症を軽減し、重要なプレバイオティクスを提供し、腸の 再生と治癒を可能にする保護膜を腸内に形成するのに役立ちます。追加の利点は、以下 で説明します。

霊芝(Ganoderma lucidum)
霊芝は、炎症の増加・ホルモンの不均衡・高コルチゾール、疲労などのストレスによる 悪影響に対して身体を強化する優れたアダプトゲンハーブです。ストレスが炎症を引き 起こす可能性があるため、霊芝は 多発性硬化病の場合に特に重要です。また霊芝も若 返りの睡眠を促し、副腎の健康を促進し、健康な免疫反応をサポートします。さらに、 神経保護作用があり、アレルギーを鎮め、抗ウイルス作用もあります。
ライオンのたてがみ (Hericium erinaceus)

ライオンのたてがみキノコは、神経系を強化し、腸の炎症に対処するため、多発性硬化 症を管理するためのもう一つの優れた漢方薬です。また、ミエリン鞘として知られる神 経線維を取り囲む保護的な脂肪コーティングの修復に必要な神経成長因子の促進にも役 立ちます。多発性硬化症の患者の場合、ミエリン鞘は重度の損傷を受けていることがよ くあります。このタンパク質は、学習・記憶・集中力に関与するニューロンを維持しま す。 研究により、ライオンのたてがみは認知機能も改善する効果もあることが証明さ れています。
七面鳥の尾 (トラメテス癜風)
もう一つ抗炎症作用のある薬用キノコは七面鳥の尾です。また、免疫システムの活性が 過剰になったり、活性が低下したりしないように調節するにも役立ち、自己免疫を管理 するための優れた漢方薬になります。 さらに、この印象的なキノコは優れたプレバイオティクスでもあり、カンジダと闘い、 小腸細菌の異常増殖 (SIBO) に対処します。

冬虫夏草 (Cordyceps militaris)
 の著書『The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant
 割引料金で購入するには、チェックアウト時にクーポン WELCOME10 を使用し、最初の 注文から 10% オフにしてください。ニコールが日常的に多発性硬化症をどのように管
 理しているかについては、彼女の詳細ブログをお読みください。 ありがとう!
 • 霊芝は血管拡張作用があるため、出血性疾患のある方や手術前の使用は禁忌で す。
 ** Mase G. (2012)。 薬用キノコ: 主要な種の簡単な歴史と概要。2016 年 8 月
27 日に http://www.vtherbcenter.org/wp-
 • この記事の内容は情報提供のみを目的とし、医学的アドバイスを構成するもので
 ださい。この Website を読んだことを理由にして、専門の医学的アドバイスを
 急事態が発生した場合は、直ちに医師または 911 に電話してください。 この
 Website が提供する情報を信頼する場合は、お客様ご自身の責任で行ってくださ
 • ニコール・アペリアン博士は、薬草医・母親・サバイバルスキルのインストラク

 スキルの多くを学び、非営利団体「The Origins Project」を通じてサン族との
 2000 年に多発性硬化症と予期せぬ診断を受け、ニコールは自分の研究スキルを
 これが彼女の人生の使命となり、著書『The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies:
 The Healing Power of Plant Medicine』を執筆する主な理由となった。その中
 に彼女は 28 年以上にわたる植物の知識と、湿布・チンキ剤・煎じ薬・軟膏・注
 2015 年、彼女はヒストリー チャンネルの人気テレビ番組「アローン」に史上初 めて選ばれた女性の一人でした。多発性硬化症を患っていたにも関わらず、彼女 は狩猟用ナイフとそこで見つけた野生の食べ物と薬だけを持って、バンクーバー
 島の人里離れた地域で 57 日間連続で一人で生き続けた。
https://nicoleapelian.com/. https://www.instagram.com/ nicole_apelian/https://www.facebook.com/nicoleapelian survival/

I use six specific herbs that heal the gut and promote a healthy microbiome: reishi, lion’s mane, and turkey tail medicinal mushrooms, along with plantain, slippery elm, and marshmallow. These botanicals help to calm inflammation, provide important prebiotics, and create a protective coating in the gut that allows it to regenerate and heal. They also have additional benefits, which we will explore below.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
(Link for reishi photo: https://nicolesapothecary.com/products/reishi-mushroom-tincture)
Reishi mushroom is an outstanding adaptogenic herb that strengthens the body against the negative effects of stress — such as increased inflammation, hormonal imbalance, high cortisol, and fatigue. This is particularly important if you have MS because stress can cause a flare. Reishi also encourages rejuvenating sleep, promotes adrenal health, and supports a healthy immune response. Moreover, it is neuroprotective, calms allergies, and is antiviral.

Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) (Link for lion’s mane photo:
Lion’s mane mushroom is another impressive herbal medicine for managing MS as it fortifies the nervous system and addresses gut inflammation. It also helps to encourage Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which is necessary for the repair of the protective, fatty coating surrounding nerve fibers known as the myelin sheath. For those with MS, the myelin sheath is often severely damaged. This protein maintains the neurons that are involved in learning, memory, and focus. Research has
established that lion’s mane also improves cognitive function.

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor)
(Link for turkey tail photo: https://nicolesapothecary.com/products/turkey-tail-mushroom-tincture)
Another anti-inflammatory medicinal mushroom is turkey tail. It also helps to modulate the immune system so that it is not over or under active, making it an excellent herbal remedy for managing autoimmunity. Turkey tail is exceptional for healing leaky gut, chronic fatigue syndrome, and treats a range of bacterial and viral infections as well. What’s more, this impressive mushroom is also an outstanding prebiotic, combats candida, and addresses small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris) (Link for cordyceps photo:
Additionally, I use a cordyceps extract everyday to manage my MS. Similar to reishi, cordyceps has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. It is known to have neuroprotective properties that reduce neuronal cell death — an important consideration for those with MS. This unique mushroom is anti-inflammatory and helps to improve energy. It is also antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiprotozoal, which is helpful for addressing poor gut health. Cordyceps is anti-cancer and regulates blood sugar as well.

Lastly, plantain, slippery elm, and marshmallow root calm inflammation, soothe mucous membranes, and create a protective layer that helps the gut to regenerate. I have found these botanicals to be essential for healing leaky gut.

If you would like to learn more about natural herbs and remedies, Dr. Nicole Apelian’s book, The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine, is available here.
For access to Nicole’s Apothecary at a discounted rate, please use the coupon WELCOME10 at checkout for 10% off your first order. To learn how Nicole manages her MS on a daily basis, please read her detailed blog on this subject. Thank you!

Reishi is a vasodilator, so it is contraindicated for those with a bleeding disorder or for use before surgery. **Masé, G. (2012). Medicinal mushrooms: A brief history and overview of principal species. Retrieved on 08/27/2016 from http://www.vtherbcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Medicinal-Mushrooms.pdf

Please note that the contents of this article are for informational purposes only, do not constitute medical advice, and are not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk.

Nicole Apelian, Ph.D.

Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist, a mother, a survival skills instructor, an anthropologist, and a biologist. She has B.S and M.S. degrees in Biology from McGill University in Canada and the University of Oregon. She earned her Doctorate through Prescott
College while working as an anthropologist and ethnobotanist in Botswana.
She has spent years living in nature with the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, one of the last indigenous peoples who still live as hunter-gatherers. Developing strong relationships within the tribe helped Nicole learn many of the remedies and skills she practices and teaches today and she continues her work with the San through her non-profit, “The Origins Project“.
An unexpected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2000 led Nicole to apply her research skills towards her own personal wellness. She focused on a healthy living strategy, including deep nature connection and gratitude practices. Through changes in her lifestyle, recognizing profound mind-body linkages, and making and using her own remedies, Nicole went from bedridden to being fully alive and from surviving to thriving.
She believes that there are many more people suffering who need to find their own remedy. This became her life’s mission and the main reason for writing her book The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: The Healing Power of Plant Medicine. In it she poured over 28 years of plant knowledge and her first-hand experiences of making her own poultices, tinctures, decoctions, salves, infused oils, and other herbal remedies.
In 2015 she was among the first women ever selected for the History Channel’s hit TV show “Alone”. Despite having MS, she went on to survive solo for 57 days straight in a remote area of Vancouver Island with little more than her hunting knife and the wild foods and medicines she found there.
For more about Dr. Nicole Apelian please visit https://nicoleapelian.com/. https://www.instagram.com/nicole_apelian/https://www.facebook.com/nicoleapeliansurvival/

Philip, A., & White, N. D. (2022). Gluten, Inflammation, and Neurodegeneration. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 16(1), 32–35. https://doi.org/10.1177/15598276211049345
Esmaeil Amini, M., Shomali, N., Bakhshi, A., Rezaei, S., Hemmatzadeh, M., Hosseinzadeh, R., Eslami, S., Babaie, F., Aslani, S., Torkamandi, S., & Mohammadi, H. (2020). Gut microbiome and multiple sclerosis: New insights and perspective. International immunopharmacology, 88, 107024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intimp.2020.107024
Jangi, S., Gandhi, R., Cox, L. et al. Alterations of the human gut microbiome in multiple sclerosis. Nat Commun 7, 12015 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms12015
Shahi, S. K., Freedman, S. N., Murra, A. C., Zarei, K., Sompallae, R., Gibson-Corley, K. N., Karandikar, N. J., Murray, J. A., & Mangalam, A. K. (2019). Prevotella histicola, A Human Gut Commensal, Is as Potent as COPAXONE® in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers in immunology, 10, 462. https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2019.00462

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Which type of mushrooms do you regularly eat?


Microbiome Health Chart, October 2020 (click on chart to ZOOM IN)

This chart shows connections between our gut microbiome and various ailments or diseases, and offers food, herbal remedies, or supplements which may give relief to those ailments by positively impacting the microbiome.
This is not medical advice, so consult your doctor before making any health related decisions. Copyright (C) Herbsprout.com/ MobileZinger LLC.
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Microbiome is everywhere in wildlife from fish to honey bees

Microbiome is everywhere in w... Source: Adobe stock images Source: Adobe stock images
A May 11 2020 article by Phys.org suggests that healthier fish from the fish farm industry which makes up almost half of what we eat (45%) begins with healthier gut bacteria in the fish. Research on "fish guts" is led by the aquaculture or fish farming industry to bring benefits to consumers; healthier fish, cheaper but higher quality produce, according to the Phys.org report (1).

Reseachers are applying and testing the effects of alternative plant and insect based proteins to feed fish. These have different effects on the fish gut microbiome, and ultimately their health.

Gut microbiome populations exist in almost everything we consume, from fish and red meat to honey. Social bees collect microbes like Bifidobacterium from feeding on fermenting honey, according to an April 14 2020 study by University of Washington candidate Lila Westreich (2). She wrote about this in The Conversation. Westreich found that social bees collect microbes like Bifidobacterium from feeding on fermenting honey, according to the article (2). Research published in Plos One found 13 lactic acid bacteria that inoculate and preserve pollen in the hives. These include Lactobacillus kunkeei, and Alpha 2.2 (Acetobacteraceae), found in stored pollen and honey (3).

1 https://phys.org/news/2020-05-healthy-gut-microbiomes-farmed-fish.html ;
2 https://theconversation.com/amp/bees-seeking-bacteria-how-bees-find-their-microbiome-129534 ; and
3 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0095056
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Ginseng & Ginger are two healthy TCMs during stressful times

Source: getty images Source: getty images Ginseng & Ginger are tw...
A May 17 2020 article by Yahoo News suggests you might consider incorporating some traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) ideas into your daily practice. There's much to choose from- qi gong, acupressure/ acupuncture, teas and tonics, and food. Yahoo News recommended these TCM remedies in this order.

Given that food and teas are more prevalent and widely used, let's look at it from the opposite order. Beginning with the universally accepted herb ginger, which contains Gingerol. Regular consumption of it couldn't hurt. Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger that is anti-inflammatory and a digestive aid. This is based on studies referenced by the Healthline article below.

Ginseng has also been tested and proven to boost the immune system with its bioactive compounds, ginsenosides and gintonin, according to WebMD. Regarding both ginger and ginseng, there have been broad but varying unproven claims that these food based herbs provide other benefits such as lowering blood sugar and treating cancer. However, consuming them in moderation can help and is recommended.

For more information see: https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/try-traditional-chinese-medicine-practices-214001491.html ; and
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Three Classical Text of Ayurveda

Three Classical Text of Ayurveda
There are three main classical text of Ayurveda:

1) Charaka Samhita - is the book of internal medicine and includes the eight systems of the body. This also comprises the basic concepts of Ayurveda, the Ayurvedic School of Physicians.

2) Sushruta Samhita - is the book of surgery. This book includes detailed description of surgical instruments and what they are used for, not only surgical instruments familiar to the west, but also eastern instruments such as needles for Chinese acupuncture, for example.

3) Ashtanga Sanraha & Ashtaga Hyridayam - The Hridayam over 7,500 verses, is written in poetry and prose. Both works have been dated about the same time and are believed to come after the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. It outlines the sub kapha doshas for the first time with emphasis on treating the physical body.

More information about the Ayurveda classical text is available at The Ayurveda Institute, https://www.ayurveda.com/resources/articles/the-ancient-ayurvedic-writings
#Indianmedicine #ayurveda #bacteria #diet #easternmedicine #gutmicrobiome #health #herbalmedicine #herbs #plantnutrition #spices


eJIM and CAM - Japan's role in east-west relations; why not medicine too?

It is not by any means anything unique for Japan to play a role in East- West integration and collaboration. From the opening up of Japan in 1848 when American Commodore Perry reached its shores to promote trade to the introduction of western Christianity at the arrival of the Jesuits led by Francis Xavier in 1549, Japan has always played an integral role in East- West relations.

Fast forward to this century, in his final interview with Asia Pacific Economic Review writer Steve Barth, Edward Demming reached the pinnacle of Japan's role in integrating western management principles into Japan, which in turn reversed by way of the likes of UCLA professor William Ouchi and his bestselling book on Japanese management style, "Theory Z". Japan has always been a synergistic doorway to the west, and arguably the west's most valuable portal to the east.

So why not in health care? Japan is one of the world’s most technologically advanced health care systems while at the same time still holds onto traditional medicine or Kampo. Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare created acronyms for its role in integrative medicine, and published it in cooperation with Shimane University Medical School. It believes the Japanese health care system is uniquely placed in facilitating the integration of evidence- based Japanese integrative medicine or eJim. The more common term used today is "complementary and alternative medicine" or CAM which Japan seeks to bring into the mainstream core of its healthcare offerings. And it claims to be doing it backed by science, the aforementioned "evidence- based Japanese integrative medicine", or e-Jim (see https://www.ejim.ncgg.go.jp/en/index.html for more information).

When we talk about eJIM however, it inevitably leads back to the origins of healthcare in Japan over a thousand years ago, traditional Japanese medicine or Kampo, and beyond the island's shores to China and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) (see https://en.bloguru.com/healthtech/356171/japanese-health-care-offers-private ). So how has Japan integrated traditional Kampo and alternative medicine into its modern western health care system?

The integration has become seamless, including widespread insurance coverage for Kampo. Today, Japan is taking it a step further, and -- a step deeper with proven, "evidence- based Japanese integrative medicine" or eJIM. Japan and other Asian countries like Singapore, India and China, are studying the chemical properties of herbs and foods, and making key connections to their influence on everything from our gut microbiome to our immune system.
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Holobiome & Viome - "Microbiomes Intimate Role in Every Human Disease”

In a May 07, 2020 Science Magazine article, Holobiome announced it seeks to produce new treatments for depression and other disorders of the brain and nervous system beginning with isolating and culturing bacteria to benefit humans through our gut microbiome. The focus of the startup will be psychobiotics, those that address brain - related ailments, says company CEO, Phil Strandwitz. It seems the creation of startups like these are a sign of the times.

In an early interview by Herbsprout writer Chris Kenji Beer, Viome's CEO Naveen Jain takes us into a deeper understanding of the role of microbiomes to our health. “Every single chronic disease that we know of -- from Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, autism, depression, anxiety, obesity, autoimmune diseases, cancer-- every single one of these diseases have one thing in common, chronic inflammation. Every one of them is caused by microbiome. Think about this. Every one of these diseases is caused by microbiomes. And every time we take antibiotics we are killing those microbiomes.”
“A lot of people are saying ‘I know about microbiomes, what is so unique about it?’ The change is we not only know what is inside our gut, we are able to know exactly what they are doing.”


How do we know? “The latest wave (of Microbiome testing) is transcriptome. The transcriptome testing approach looks at the RNA and analyzes what the RNA of microbiomes are doing. The popular ‘16S sequencing’ of microbiomes testing is a twenty year old technology and is not able to do this.”
“What if you can find out exactly what is going on (inside the RNA of microbiomes)? What if you know what vitamins they are producing? What if you knew which specific compounds they are producing that cause inflammation? And from this data, what if you were able to figure out which specific content and combinations of food can actually address these inflammations more effectively than any prescription drugs we have available today?” asserts Jain.

Given the lag in treatments particularly for mental health treatments, Holobiome proposes to source and find microbe -based solutions to these ailments, or "psychobiotics". What if Holobiome and Viome are at the beginning of a new trend in health care where startups like Holobiome are among hundreds of companies focused on finding and deploying microbe- based solutions, gut bacteria treatments for different human diseases?

See article on Holobiome, https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/meet-psychobiome-gut-bacteria-may-alter-how-you-think-feel-and-act ; and Viome http://Viome.com .
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EJim, Evidence- based medicine and Japan's place in modern medicine

EJim, Evidence- based medicin...
On reflection of the challenges facing innovation and the importance of establishing credibility in a relatively young sector of the medical industry, a key party to this process is evidence based herbs and foods in our health, particularly as it relates to our gut microbiome. In my view this brings Japanese and Japanese medicine to the forefront of bridging the gap between the idea of herbs and food as medicine and the mainstream medical community. In Japan they call it eJim, or "evidence- based Japanese integrative medicine".

Without credible integration, the whole idea of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Indian Ayurvedic medicine face an almost insurmountable uphill climb in order to gain acceptance in the American mainstream medical community. Some of the highest rated institutions in these Asian health care approaches such as Bastyr University, have long been perceived by the mainstream medical community as advocating "quack" medicine.

How does one bridge this gap? The solution has to be a demonstrated effort in the naturopathic medicine communities to back their claims with scientific evidence. The evidence points toward how herbs and food influence our gut microbiome. This is where the integration starts and occurs. This is a rapidly growing sector of research and medicine. It is an opportunity to scientifically verify, give credence to the premises offired by eastern and naturopathic medicine (particularly those of India, China, and Japan). More information about Japan's eJim program is available here, https://www.ejim.ncgg.go.jp/en/pro/about/background.html .
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Gut bacteria strains found to prevent onset of Parkinson's

Gut bacteria strains found to p...
Parkinson’s News Today reported on April 08, 2020 that several strains of a bacteria Bacillus subtilis "inhibits, delays, and reverses" the buildup of the protein alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease patients. The study, “Probiotic Bacillus subtilis Protects against α-Synuclein Aggregation in C. elegans,” was originally published in the journal Cell Reports. The building up of the protein alpha-synuclein, or Lewy bodies, is known to create the degeneration of brain cells in Parkinson’s disease (see source: https://parkinsonsnewstoday.com/2020/04/10/probiotic-strain-of-b-subtilis-halts-alpha-synuclein-aggregation-in-round-worms/ ).

Last September. Herbsprout reported that scientists found evidence that Parkinson's disease may originate in the gut. Building on that discovery, scientists found the strains of gut microbes that may prevent Parkinson's, each finding building on the next.

It is not yet conclusive whether or not the a-synuclein build up occurs first in our gut, and before or after it reaches the brain. This study was tested in round worms, and is proven as a preventive measure. It is not able to treat Parkinson's disease but prevent it's growth. While further studies are required , it poses the possibility of a preventive dietary supplement, according to scientists involved in this study (see article https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/home).

Other articles by Herbsprout include microbial treatments for Parkinson's, https://en.bloguru.com/healthtech/360989/microbial-treatments-for-parkinsons ; and Parkinson's disease may originate in the gut, https://en.bloguru.com/healthtech/357162/parkinsons-may-originate-in-the-gut .
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Shinrinyoku- an evidence based connection to "forest bathing"

Shinrinyoku- an evidence base...
Japan's Shinrinyoku

Japanese health care evolving from the Shinto and Buddhist traditions seek to integrate our connection to nature with our physical and spiritual health, and recommends regular “Shinrinyoku”, or “bathing in the forest”. Likewise, Ayurveda seeks to integrate the mind, body and spirit to promote health and wellness.

Today, we can identify two evidence based connections between Shinrinyoku and healthy living. Scientists have found that common evergreen trees such as pine, cedar, oak, and cypress trees emit phytoncides, which are volatile substances that protect against pathogens and insects. Phytoncides possess insecticidal, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties.

The second evidence based property of certain evergreen trees are they contain and emit alpha-pinenes or α-Pinene. A-pinene is an organic compound of the terpene class found in the oils of many species of coniferous trees, such as pine and hinoki (Japanese cypress). This chemical is anti-inflammatory, possibly antimicrobial, and an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (known to be a memory aid).

The National Institute of Health and the Public Library of Science reported that phytoncides reduced the level of noradrenaline, a stress hormone, in mice. It also cited studies of humans who practiced "forest bathing" showed an increase in the number of natural killer cells and levels of intracellular anticancer proteins when exposed to phytoncides. Hinoki cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa, is the representative tree of forest bathing, and is popular activity in East Asia. (See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4666656/ ). The same effect can just as easily be experienced as your weekend walk in the woods or hike in the mountains.

For further evidence of the therapeutic chemical emitted by certain evergreen trees such as hinoki, read our previous blog by Herbsprout contributing writer, Cindy Postma at https://en.bloguru.com/healthtech/365413/hinoki-oil-tests-positive-for-easing

Modern science- based approaches have evolved to include healthy living. It also supports the belief that the fundamentals of even meditation are factors influencing our overall health, such as slowing down, being present, mindful, and conscious in our breathing. In these holistic traditions, the fundamentals of Hinduism and Buddhism are a worthy consideration. For individuals not seeking a replacement to their western traditions, eastern traditions can simply complement your traditionally held beliefs.
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