
The number of sake breweries operating in Japan

The number of sake breweries and shochu distilleries in Japan are declining along with the consumption volume of both sake and shochu. However, approximately 1,600 sake breweries and shochu distilleries still operate in Japan today. This report introduces the regions where many sake breweries concentrate in Japan. Although the general impression that Niigata prefecture might have the most sake breweries, while Kyoto prefecture might boast the highest sake production volume, Kagoshima prefecture on Kyushu island is home to the highest number of sake breweries in Japan. 
Top 5 sake and shochu makers associations with the highest number of breweries and distilleries: 
No. 1 Kagoshima Shochu Makers Association: 109
No. 2 Niigata Sake Brewers Cooperative Association: 90
No. 3 Nagano Sake Brewery Association: 81
No. 4 The Federation of Hyogo Prefecture Brewers Associations: 71
No. 5 Fukuoka Sake Brewers Association: 64
Number of sake breweries by region: 
Tohoku region, Hokkaido prefecture: 226
Kanto region, Honshu island: 191
Chubu region, Honshu island: 379
Kinki region, Honshu island: 234
Chugoku region, Honshu island: 155
Shikoku island: 81
Kyushu island: 378 
Regionally, Niigata prefecture ranks second while the Chubu region in Nagano prefecture ranks third. As you can see, Kyushu island is home to many sake breweries, 378 in total. The Chubu region is home to many sake breweries, while Kyushu is characteristically home to the most shochu distilleries.
1位 鹿児島県酒造組合 109
2位 新潟県酒造組合 90
3位 長野県酒造組合 81
4位 兵庫県酒造組合連合会 71
5位 福岡県酒造組合 64
東北・北海道 226
関東 191
中部 379
近畿 234
中国 155
四国 81
九州 378
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