

  • Tokyo Jizake Strolling (State of Emergency Declaration)

Tokyo Jizake Strolling (State of Emergency Declaration)

By Ryuji Takahashi

A state of emergency was declared in Tokyo from July 12 to August 22, the fourth declared in Tokyo stopped the provision of alcohol and drove restaurants and liquor stores into yet another difficult situation. Izakaya restaurants of major restaurant chains closed one after another, significantly impacting the sales of commercial sake products sold by liquor stores.
Various speculations and postings online criticized the city of Tokyo and the Japanese government for hosting the Olympic Games, while other posts opposed such criticisms, an indication of mounting frustration and fatigue felt by the Japanese public. Eventually, a poster criticizing The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and KOMEITO (New Clean Government Party) were created and distributed among restaurants. Small restaurants are compensated with cooperation money for distributing the posters, in some cases making more money with their restaurants closed than open. This difference in earnings also caused frustration, prompting the Japanese government and the city of Tokyo to change how cooperation money is divided. The liquor store I operate also saw a decrease in business transactions with restaurants. Business is slow at the moment due to the request from local government to reduce business hours.
However, I see life like a card game - we each strategize our win using the hand we’re dealt. When opening a restaurant for example, no one is guaranteed an ideal location, size, or rent. In fact, most of these factors will not go your way. However, we rack our brain and think hard despite our less-than-optimal conditions to create a renowned restaurant. Not only does changing cards not guarantee a better hand, it could even worsen your hand. However, we must try our luck anyway. Criticizing the dealer for dealing a bad hand doesn’t help. Similarly, no one knows the correct strategy to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
Needless to say, no entrepreneur wants to end up having to close the door of his/her own restaurant or company. However, policies improved to prevent this outcome should not put off your consumers either. Every entrepreneur is trying hard to fight this unprecedented fight against the coronavirus. Atami city, Shizuoka prefecture suffered a notable decline in tourists due to a landslide on top of the coronavirus pandemic. Since there is no one to blame in this case, people have no where to direct their frustrations to, the most frustrating situation. Is politics to blame, the people who won’t comply with various requests from the local government, or the Tokyo Olympics?
What we can do for now is to set the groundwork and research various information to revitalize your business when the coronavirus pandemic ends. As I write this, now is the time and climate to “learn to be a hawk.*1”

*1 “Learning to be a hawk”: From May to June, hatched hawk chicks learn how to fly and hunt during this season and prepare to leave the nest to become independent (in other words, the timing for each entrepreneur to start preparing to “become independent”).


#Ginzan #Ichinomiya #Iwami #brewery #covid19 #jizake #nigori #sake #tokyo


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