

  • "Kosher Certification Part 3"

"Kosher Certification Part 3"

By Kosuke Kuji

I think there are very few people that know how the kosher certification is done. Kosher mark means "the food is sanitary", "manufacturing process is done appropriately", "all ingredients of the product meet the standards and are good for the consumers", "guarantees that the product does not use dairy products for ingredients and it is dairy allergy free" etc.

Kosher certification for meats and dairy products are very difficult and have high hurdles for that reason, but regarding the "Japanese sake" or "liqueur" that was certified for Nanbu Bijin this time originally doesn't use dairy products, doesn't use any animal products like meat etc as an ingredient and felt that we would get certified fairly smoothly.

However, if you look across Japan, there are only a few companies besides Nanbu Bijin that have received Kosher certification for Japanese sake. Also there is only one company in the U.S. that manufactures Japanese sake that has Kosher certification. For liqueur, umeshu (plum wine) by Choya is sold as Kosher only in Israel, but is not Kosher in Japan or the U.S. etc. Liqueur, specially regarding umeshu, probably Nanbu Bijin is probably the first to sell as Kosher in the world.

In addition, for the two liquors of Japanese sake and liqueur, Nanbu Bijin is probably the only company in the world that has Kosher certification.
For Kosher certification, it starts from having the rabbi who is a leader of Judaism review the ingredients and manufacturing steps. I would like to write the details of this in the next issue.

酒豪大陸「コーシャ認定 その3」





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