
PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog



Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Gift from Microsoft

Gift from Microsoft
Microsoft XBOX Team invited children from Tohoku to see their offices and they got to play some of the games. But at the end, each child received a XBOX Console and Kinect. Some of the kids lost their game console to Tsunami ... Now they have brand new XBOX. Thank you Microsoft.
#Life #Politics #Society


Memories in Memory Card

Memories in Memory Card
8 children and 2 teachers from Tohoku are spending last full day in Seattle. They are invited to Boeing in Everett and Microsoft Xbox team in Redmond. We have taken pictures from everywhere they went and posted on secure web for their relatives to see. But we have way more picture than what we have made available online.

So, it is my job to gather all the pictures and copy them to SC Cards.

Why SD Card?

Some family may not have PC to watch if we burn them on CD or DVD. To avoid that, we have given everyone a Digital Photo Frame that can read SD. So they can watch all the pictures.


Watching Olympic on NBC EXTRA on iPad

Watching Olympic on NBC EXTR...
I am watching woman's soccer on iPad using NBC EXTRA App on iPad. This is the first live event I see. There is no commentary nor commercial. NICE!



Very Warm

Very Warm
We hit over 90F today.


Angeles in the Sky!!!

Angeles in the Sky!!!
I took this picture standing on the roof of PSPINC R&D Building. I hope I did not damage the roof ... I guess we will know when it rains next.
#Culture #Tradition


Sprint Wireless

Sprint Wireless
Last few days, Sprint phones are loosing signals ... When we called them, they say they were not doing anything. But we told them over 10 phones are not working ... they told us that they are working on cell site improvement.

If this continues, we need to cancel Sprint.
#Computer #Internet


Breakfast at Starbucks

Breakfast at Starbucks
I am at Starbucks eating breakfast and sipping on very hot coffee. I spent little over five dollars. There are over them people waiting at this Starbucks. I guess each one spends about five dollars and there are 60 customers every hour. That is 300 dollars every hour. If they are open for 12 hours ... $3,600 every day. I wonder if this math is close.

Sent via bloguru mobile.


Rob McKenna for Governor

Rob McKenna for Governor
I bought a campaign kit from Rob McKenna for Governor. I wanted to know if the T-Shirt his campaign is sending out was "MADE IN USA". Now I know the answer.

BTW, I bought OBAMA T-Thirt too back in 2008. I wanted to know if that was "MADE IN USA".

All politicians are running for jobs in America ... don't you think you should at least make sure what you are supporting the jobs in the USA by buying "MADE IN USA"?
#Life #Politics #Society


Full Moon Tonight

Full Moon Tonight
I shot this picture ... shooting the moon is not as easy as it appears. If you are interested in how I set up the camera, please contact me. Even with 300mm lens, the moon look so small. Besides, it looks gray not yellow.


Seattle Executives at Seattle U

Seattle Executives at Seattle U
We had weekly Seattle Executives Association meeting at Seattle University. I learned a lot about school and the speakers were great. Specially the speech of Mr. Pete Fewing of the SU Soccer Coach was inspiring.
#Business #Marketing


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