特に日本酒と食のペアリングに対して、多くの人は「何を大げさな、あまり関係ない」と考えているのではないだろうか? 今回は、ちょっとした心がけで日本酒と料理のペアリング能力が上がるコツを教えたい。 まずは、なるべく性質の違う日本酒3銘柄を用意していただきたい。性質の違いは、本当は飲んでみないとなかなか分...
By Aya Ota Characteristics of New York City are strongly reflected upon old brick buildings and graffiti on the walls of the Lower East Side. In this ...
By Kosuke Kuji The 43rd edition of Japan Week (http://www.iffjapan.or.jp/) organized by the International Friendship Foundation, a non-profit based in...
最近は当たり前になった酒とのフードペアリングだが、少し思考を変えておこなってはいかがであろうか? 通常行われているのが、ワインはワイン同士、日本酒は日本酒同士、焼酎は焼酎同士の並列な比較である。これは、確かにその微妙な味の比較をするのには良いが、消費者にとって違う「こんなこと予想もしてなかった!」と...
By Aya Ota Its unique exterior; walls without windows, which make it impossible to peek in, and the thick and heavy door, both of which remind you of ...
By Kosuke Kuji The most important objective of this business trip to Los Angeles was the “30th Japanese Food & Restaurant Expo,” sponsored by Mutu...
By Yuji Matsumoto While restaurants serve a lot of wine and champagne during the holidays, it’s unfortunately still uncommon to see sake served during...
By Aya Ota In a street corner of the West Village where old buildings provide a classy ambience, you will find a richly thick wooden door. Once you st...
By Yuji Matsumoto Japanese sake is still a largely unfamiliar beverage to American consumers. Ninety percent of sake is consumed in restaurants, indic...
By Kosuke Kuji I’m a firm believer that brewing delicious sake worldwide will lead to more consumers enjoying Japanese sake. To accomplish this, we mu...