By Kosuke Kuji A documentary film featuring three female Japanese sake brewers, “KAMPAI! For the Love of Sake” kicked off in Tokyo in April 2019. Thre...
By Kosuke Kuji Los Angeles-based Mirai Konishi produced “KANPAI – For the Love of Sake” from crowdfunding, released in 2015. After a world premiere at...
By Yuji Matsumoto I had an opportunity to hold a Japanese sake seminar at The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles. What they wanted to know most was the dif...
By Kosuke Kuji Iwate prefecture promotes improvement in the status and skills of skilled craftsmen to develop the prefecture’s economy. Since 1976, hi...
By Yuji Matsumoto Sake is a beverage of preference. However, “delicious” sake all have common universal traits. The flavors can be characterized as fo...
By Mayumi Schroeder / Photo: Elli Sekine “Avery” is a new rising star among the high-end restaurants in San Francisco, which opened last year on Fil...
By Kosuke Kuji Nambubijin is the first sake brand in the world to satisfy the Jewish dietary requirement by acquiring “Kosher” certification in 2013. ...
I’m often asked by Americans, “I often use wine for cooking, but can I also use Japanese sake?” Japanese sake contains many umami flavors not found in...
“UNIQLO” is a clothing brand representative of Japan. Today, the brand’s store locations are expanding not only across Japan, but also worldwide, incl...
By Kosuke Kuji A traditional Japanese ceremony of breaking open the sake barrel was held on stage, followed by the welcome beverage of “Awa sake” serv...