Some customers hate dealing with customer service. Part of it’s because it means they don’t know how to use something or something isn’t working properly. But another big reason why is that many customer service experiences can be frustrating. Instead of being helpful, the support staff isn’t always the best at...
現在、世界最大規模の広告ネットワークはGoogleですが、最も使われている検索エンジンでもあるため、それは当然のことと言えるでしょう。Googleの広告ネットワークであるGoogle Display Networkが世界中のインターネットユーザーの90%以上にリーチできるという事実の他にも、使っても...
The biggest ad network today on a global scale is Google, which makes sense because it’s also the most popular search engine. But the fact that the Google Display Network (Google’s advertising network) reaches over 90% of worldwide internet users isn’t the only reason advertisers love it so much. It’s also the ...
ビジネスの規模に関わらず、会社を運営するときには従業員とお客様、どちらも大切です。システムを使って管理することで、基本的には間違いを減らし、全体的な生産性を向上させます。また、全体的な労働文化も改善され、従業員は自分の仕事に対してより透明性や信頼性を持つことができます。 またお客様情報についても、重...
Managing your business can be difficult, juggling both your customers and employees. But you need both when running a business of any size. An organized management system reduces the chance for mistakes to happen and increases overall productivity. It also improves the overall work culture, giving employees more tran...
While increasing overall sales is the ultimate goal for small businesses, working to generate leads is just as important. Lead generation involves gen...
While making sales and converting leads is important in business, it’s also important to know how your customers feel about your overall company and y...