
Sake Nation “Noto Peninsula Earthquake and Sake Breweries ③”

By Kosuke Kuji

Every sake brewery prepares sake mash in January, the best season to brew sake. Unfortunately, sake breweries destroyed by a shindo (seismic intensity) 7 (MJMA7.6, Mw7.5) earthquake on the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Seismic Intensity Scale were left with no means to preserve their sake mash. 
Sake mash contains live microorganisms. Shata Shuzo Co., Ltd. (Shiraishi city, Ishikawa prefecture), producer of “Tengumai” sake, was also evacuated due to the earthquake, yet led a mission to recover sake mash in Noto Peninsula to preserve and squeeze the sake mash in another brewery of Ishikawa prefecture. Shata Shuzo was also evacuated, although the damage sustained was not as serious compared to the destruction in Noto Peninsula. Still, the conviction and willingness of one sake brewery to help another sake brewery in times of distress, and the tight bond shared between sake breweries in the Hokuriku region were deeply moving to witness and filled my heart with enormous respect for everyone involved in the recovery effort.     
Despite the serious risks associated with entering a destroyed brewery, such risks were disregarded to recover as much sake mash as possible, relocate the mash to a brewery with minor damage, and squeeze the sake mash to brew sake. 
Special tax provisions for natural disasters were filed immediately with both public and private support to recover as much sake mash as possible from Noto Peninsula. 
The miracle sake mash that survived the earthquake and the miracle sake brewed from this miraculously saved sake mash will no doubt play a vital role in future reconstruction efforts.    


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