
“Awasake Revitalization Group Launched”

A significant promotional group for Awasake was launched. On January 28, Japan Awasake Association was a historic day where approximately 30 members from the Liberal Democratic Party Parliament members gathered to launch the “Awasake Revitalization Group.” House of Representative member Toshiaki Endo from Yamagata Prefecture assumed the position of Chairman, while Yuko Obuchi of Gunma prefecture assumed the position of Secretary. Japan Awasake Association is striving to serve Awasake as the toast during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. Therefore, this foundation party was attended by Yoshio Mori of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Organizing Committee Yoshiro Mori, who presented a congratulatory message, which made this dream closer to reality. Also, the committee chairman Yoshiro Mori also became an honorary chairman of the parliament as well.
Also, the launch party was attended by members from the National Tax Agency, public offices, and representatives from the sake industry, expressing support for Awasake.
Still a new Japanese sake genre among both public and private organizations, high anticipation for this sake to become widespread was felt among attending members.
Japan Awasake Association chairman Noriyoshi Nagai greeted guests and expressed his resolve to enhance the quality of Awasake to increase export to levels comparable to champagne and wine to promote widespread consumption throughout Japan and win worldwide brand recognition.
Thanks to support from many attendees, Japan Awasake Association will continue to strive to become the chosen beverage for toasts worldwide. Thank you in advance for your support !


awa酒に最高の応援団が発足しました。2020年1月28日、awa酒協会にとって歴史的な日になりました。自民党の国会議員の皆さんが約30名集まり、「awa酒振興議連」を発足していただきました。衆議院議員の山形県の遠藤利明先生が会長に就任され、幹事長には群馬県の小渕優子先生という布陣です。awa酒協会は東京オリンピック・パラリンピックで乾杯酒を目指していますが、今回の設立総会には元総理でもある森 喜朗東京オリンピック・パラリンピック組織委員会会長も臨席していただき、応援メッセージをいただき、awa酒で東京オリンピック・パラリンピックの乾杯酒に現実味がかなり出てきました。さらにこの議連の名誉会長にも就任していただきました。

#Awasake #AwasakeRevitalizationGroup #JapanAwasakeAssociation #TokyoOlympicandParalympicGames


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