

  • ハッシュタグ「#neurotransmitters」の検索結果4件


Herbsprout is a webblog and podcast dedicated to sharing the health benefits of herbs, food, innovations related to our gut microbiome. Herbsprout seeks to bridge the vast chasm dividing the mainstream medical community and alternative medicine.

Indian Ayurvedic Health defined

Indian Ayurvedic Health defined
Ayurveda is an over 3,000 year old health program originating in India. Ayurveda begins with fundamental principles centered around maintaining good health. These are described in the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha and the 4 goals of Ayurveda. I will explain the 4 goals in the next blog entry to be published in a few days.

Veda means acquired knowledge and data research, which accumulated over thousands of years in India from general meetings called Ashrams, according to Bastyr University's Professor of Ayurvedic Health Dr. Vivek Shanbhag.

Possibly the most effective way to accurately and clearly explain the three doshas of Ayurveda are Dr. Shanbhag's association of Ayurveda to computing. Ayurveda is your tools and means to achieve your four goals of life. He describes the three doshas as follows:

VATA is like data entry.
PITTA is the processing of that data.
KAPHA is the storing and recall of the data.

VATA is the sensory intake, communications and transport of data and the elements, air and ether.
PITTA is the transformation, digesting, processing and metabolizing of the data and the elements, fire and water.
KAPHA is the storing, growth, and memorizing of the data and the elements; water and earth.

Everyone wants to increase happiness and comfort.
Everyone wants to decrease their pain and suffering. The status of our health is a key contributor to these basic life goals.
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Microbial treatments for Parkinson's still premature

Microbial treatments for Parki...
While scientists found a direct connection between Parkinson's disease and our gut microbiome, a November 11, 2019 report by the Journal of Parkinson's Disease and Neuroscience News concluded "there is currently no consensus on PD-specific changes in microbiome composition and their pathophysiological implications due to inconsistent results, differences in methodologies and unaddressed confounders,” observed Dr. Scheperjans, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.

While several findings were replicated in various studies, such as an increase of Verrucomicrobiaceae and Akkermansia and a decrease of Prevotellaceae, the investigators also found numerous differences.

There is no standard procedure established for clinical research on the subject, making the results difficult to collectively evaluate. "Procedures for collection, storage and shipment of the stool samples varied considerably; almost all studies used different DNA extraction kits; different DNA sequencing protocols were used; and different bioinformatics and statistical methods can further lead to different results." In addition, the study populations differed considerably between studies in terms of age, percentage of females and Parkinson’s disease characteristics, such as disease duration and the clinical subtype.

"It is important to emphasize that no microbiota-based treatment for PD exists to date," says Dr. Scherperjans. "We advise PD patients not to start self-treatment with probiotics or undergo fecal microbiota transplantation without consulting with their doctors in order to avoid potential harm.”

However, research has determined a connection between gut microbiome and PS progression, though further studies are needed to identify how they are connected. This blog is a continuation of the earlier herbsprout.com blog entry, "Parkinson's may originate in the gut": http://herbsprout.com/357162/parkinsons-may-originate-in-the-gut

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Herbs that support "the happy chemical", microbiome health

Herbs that support "the happy...
Scientists have found that differences in a person’s gut can be a clue to our specific health propensities, to cancers, but also something as immediate as our daily mood, behaviors, even happiness. For example, 90% of the well-known serotonin neurotransmitter is made in the body’s digestive tract, according to a 2015 report by CalTech (“Microbes Help Produce Serotonin in Gut”, April 09, 2015). Serotonin is the chemical often referred to as the “happy chemical” and the balance of serotonin in our body influences our mood. A deficiency of serotonin can lead to depression.

Before getting into the research, what herbs support "healthy happy chemicals"? Herbs that help boost serotonin levels include oatstraw, which is loaded with B vitamins, and the roots of angelica, burdock, dandelion, ginseng, wild yam and black cohosh. There are lots of natural supplements containing these herbs and foods that you can buy online. You can also find supplements that contain L-tryptophan that supports serotonin synthesis, and vitamin B3 (magnesium glycenate) which helps metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Basil contains serotonin boosting eugenol and rosmarinic acid.

As mentioned, there is growing evidence that the microbiome in our gut contribute not only to various body and brain diseases, but also to our mood and behavior relevant to many psychiatric and neurological disorders (Microbiome Journal, August 25, 2017). In particular, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that manipulation of the gut microbiome modulates anxiety-like behaviours, and our response to fear. The neural circuits that underlie anxiety- and fear-related behaviours are complex and heavily depend on functional communication between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex (PFC). Research at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) found a link between our stomach and a region of our brain that regulates mood and behavior, according IFLScience.com’s Robin Andrews (Source: “Our Gut Microbes Strongly Influence Our Emotional Behaviors,” IFL Science, July 4, 2017). The UCLA study was the first to link this connection within humans, based on the study of 40 healthy woman showing “brain-gut-microbial interactions in healthy humans”, according to the American Psychosomatic Society, affecting their mood and behaviors. Likewise, the Microbiome Journal reports that “transcriptional networks within the amygdala and PFC of Germ-Free mice are altered. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) act through translational repression to control gene translation and have been implicated in anxiety-like behaviours.” (See Microbiome Journal, August 25, 2017).

These results suggest that the microbiome is necessary for appropriate regulation of miRNA expression in brain regions implicated in anxiety-like behaviours.

"Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter and hormone that is involved in a variety of biological processes. The finding that gut microbes modulate serotonin levels raises the interesting prospect of using them to drive changes in biology," says Hsiao in the Caltech Journal. Hsao is quoted here from the CalTech journal Cell, April 09, 2015 issue.
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Microbiome's connection to autism

Microbiome's connection to aut...
Research is being administered about the influence of gut microbiomes on everything from autism, multiple sclerosis, PTSD, Parkinson’s Disease and brain health to cancer, depression, obesity, diabetes and weight loss. It has become widespread as major research institutions and universities are conducting studies on the subject.

An article in The Guardian, “Gut bacteria regulate nerve fibre insulation” (Mo Costandi, April 05, 2016) claims that “alterations in our gut bacteria composition may be connected to a wide range of neurological and psychiatric conditions, including autism, chronic pain, depression, and Parkinson’s Disease.” Psychosomatic Medicine reported that “various factors play a role (in PTSD), including a lack of social support and low levels of the neurotransmitter neuropeptide Y (see British Psychological Society blog, November 22, 2017).

Research on mice in early 2019 done by MIT and the University of Massachusetts Medical School found similar impacts of identifiable microbial strains. Researchers found that the gut microbiome composition of the mother’s gut can influence whether maternal infection leads to autistic-like behaviors in offspring. They also discovered the specific brain changes that produce these behaviors. The same MIT report also referenced a 2010 study where all children born in Denmark between 1980 and 2005 found that severe viral infections during the first trimester of their mother’s pregnancy led to risk for autism by three times.

In a 2016 Science paper, Drs. Gloria Choi and her husband Jun Huh found that types of immune cells known as Th17 cells, and their effector molecule, called IL-17, are responsible for this effect in mice. IL-17 then interacts with receptors found on brain cells in the developing fetus, leading to irregularities that the researchers call “patches” in certain parts of the cortex known as the somatosensory cortex. When the researchers restored normal levels of brain activity in this area of the brain, they were able to reverse the behavioral abnormalities. They were also able to induce the behaviors in otherwise normal mice by over stimulating neurons in the somatosensory cortex.
#Braindiseases #autism #effectormolecules #microbiomes #molecules #neurotransmitters


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