By Kosuke Kuji The widespread novel coronavirus depleted supplies of rubbing alcohol across Japan early in the pandemic and created a supply shortage....
Bad pairing refers to the delicious flavor diminished when sake is paired with food. Depending on the combination, the sake flavor may counter the fla...
By Yuji Matsumoto To be able to taste sake, the most importing to do is to identify and set your own tasting criteria. The criteria are not based on o...
By Yuji Matsumoto In these modern days, we’re feeling less seasonality – but Japanese food has always focused on enjoying the four seasons. Indeed, ve...
By Yuji Matsumoto The average amount an American spends at a full-fledged casual restaurant is, including beverages, about $20. If we suppose the entr...
By Yuji Matsumoto When we get into December, restaurants start becoming busy with year-end parties and Christmas parties, and we should start preparat...
最近は当たり前になった酒とのフードペアリングだが、少し思考を変えておこなってはいかがであろうか? 通常行われているのが、ワインはワイン同士、日本酒は日本酒同士、焼酎は焼酎同士の並列な比較である。これは、確かにその微妙な味の比較をするのには良いが、消費者にとって違う「こんなこと予想もしてなかった!」と...
By Yuji Matsumoto I often see breweries and wholesale dealers recommending their sake to local American diners at sampling events, saying, “This sake ...
By Kosuke Kuji At this year’s International Wine Challenge (IWC) 2017, “Nanbu Bijin Tokubetsu Junmai” is honored to win the “Champion Sake” title!! F...
今回はWoodinvilleにあるワインバー、Purple Cafe and Wine Barの紹介です。 ガラス張りの店舗で、外からワインの棚が見え、とてもお洒落な外観です。 店内の客の年齢層も高めで、落ち着いた雰囲気でした。 今回は、サラダや、スープ、パイ、揚げ物、肉料理やワイン等をいただきまし...