投稿日 2020-04-19 06:55
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Mayumi has been one of my favorite Indian restaurants in Redmond. Their buffet lunch is great. Since March 16th, PSPinc has been providing lunches to the people who are essential for running the datacenter. I think this was the third time ordered from Mayuri. Looking forward to eating their buffet again when they open. htt...
I have an allergy and we are in the middle of the allergy season. Just look at the car. My white car is turning yellow. The allergy is so bad the I sn...
投稿日 2020-04-19 06:31
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
静かな土曜日だ。 ジムに行くわけでもなく、ゴルフに行くこともなく、レストランも行かないし買い物もない。コンピュータの前でニュースレターを書いたり、ブログを書いたり。ホームページのデザインを見たり。 時間だけは過ぎていく。花粉症もあってか目が痒くて鼻水は出るし、くしゃみや咳もでる。あれ、花粉症で咳って...
We are pleased to announce that we have updated the hashtag feature on Bloguru. What is Hashtag Feature? A hashtag is a type of label which allows use...
投稿日 2020-04-18 08:37
平素よりブログルをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 この度Bloguru のハッシュタグ機能が新しくなりました。 ハッシュタグとは? ハッシュタグとは、ユーザーが特定の話題を簡単に探せるように、各ブログ記事に設定できるラベルです。ご自身のブログ記事のカテゴリー分けとしても利用できます。ハッ...
Tokyo Coronavirus Support Center for Foreign Residents 0120-294-004 Hours: 10am ot 5pm Japanese-Online offers a complete Japanese video course for only $14/month! Learn more at Japanes-Online.com\ Free sign up for the Japanese-Online Newsletter /
投稿日 2020-04-17 09:35
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We are trying to help local restaurants and feed the people who work at PSPinc. https://pho-ever-bellevue.com
体温計 たいおんけい Taionkei Thermometer 熱はありません ねつはありません Netsu wa Arimasen I do not have a fever Japanese-Online offers a complete Japanese video course for o...
Did you know as of March 23, 2020 ... There are 21,000,000 less cellular phone users in China. That is more than a total population of Wuhan which is little over 11 million. What is that mean? (1) Dead or sick people do not need cellular phone. (2) People in Wuhan has no way of communicating with outside. How many peo...
I wake up in the morning and check my weight, check my blood sugar, check my temperature and check my blood pressure ... Drink one cup of hat water with lemon slice. I check my email ... then I drive to my office. Check to see if all the services are running. I have an online meeting with R&D group. All that is d...