投稿日 2020-05-07 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Peking is one of our favorite restaurants in Bellevue, WA. We ordered take out lunch from them today. They are Chinese Food with the Korean Twist. htt...
What do you say when you go to bed at night? おやすみなさい Oyasuminaisai Good Night / Good Sleep What do you say when you wake up in the morning? おはようございます ...
Seattle Cinnamon Roll Co. We had a great treat this morning. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__ Bloguru Signature Kenichi Uchikura Pre...
投稿日 2020-05-06 09:07
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
Doesn't it look like I was parking at NO PARKING? You really have observe surroundings to know what is happening around you. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._...
熱はありませんか。 ねつはありませんか。 Netsu was Arimasennka Don't you have a fever? 熱はありません。 ねつはありまえせん。 Netsu was Arimasen I don't have a fever. sign up for the Japane...
投稿日 2020-05-06 01:49
ウチクラ ケンイチ
What is really happening in Tokyo. Kabukicho ... 歌舞伎町 Walk Through. Japanese government does not have any authority to tell people to stay home or clo...
We (Washington State King County) are in the Phase 1 High Risk Population Continue to Stay Home, Stay Healthy Recreation Some outdoor recreation (hunt...
何が食べたい。 なにがたべたい。 Nani Ga Tabetai What would you like to eat? お好み焼きが食べたい。 おこのみやきがたべたい Okonomiyaki Ga Tabetai I want to eat Okonomiyami. Same 食べたい can b...
ただいま [Tadaima]とおかえり [Okaeri] Greetings for when someone is coming back 前回(ぜんかい)のニュースレターでは、出かけるときのあいさつ「いってきます」と「いってらっしゃい」を紹介(しょうかい)しました。今回は帰ってきたときのあいさつ...