By Kosuke Kuji The last issue introduced sake brewery “Tenbi” (Yamaguchi prefecture). New sake brewery “Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery” recently emerg...
When the age of the aristocracy ended and samurais came to the forefront, major changes took place in the world of sake production. Homemade cloudy sa...
By Ryuji Takahashi Chinese restaurant Machi-chuka is a secret fad in Tokyo. Machi-chuka was featured on TV and also in an entire magazine issue. Recen...
Zo class children have practiced Okinawa Taiko for their Holiday Concert. And today we had a chance to see a real Okinawa Taiko performance!! The children experienced hitting big taiko and they also performed taiko with the performers. It was a good experience for us.
投稿日 2022-11-10 04:54
By Yuji Matsumoto When we get into December, restaurants start becoming busy with year-end parties and Christmas parties, and we should start preparat...
By Kosuke Kuji The Japanese sake industry developed as a regional industry long-established in ancient times. On the other hand, this industry is diff...
投稿日 2022-06-08 04:51
この度めぐみ保育園は、ワシントン州キング郡エクゼクティブ、ダウ コンスタンティン氏より、創立30周年を記念 し、2022年6月18日を、 “Megumi Preschool 30th Anniversary Day” として キング郡から認証をいただきました。 この上ない喜びの気持ちに満ち溢れており...
I am overjoyed to let you know that, in recognition of Megumi Preschool celebrating 30 years since its founding, King County Executive Dow Constantine...
Following last month’s release of the English version of our new DENREI app, we’re pleased to announce that a Japanese version is now available! With this new update, people in Japan can now try our app, DENREI. With DENREI, users can only exchange messages with other DENREI members. Using the power of email...