Vol. 34 By the time you read this newsletter, we will have began alpha testing for one of our new products currently in development. The name of this service is Pass Wizard and it is a secure password storage service.We've been providing website and email hosting services since 1996. Since our initial launch, many webs...
Vol. 33 On September 26th I left Bellevue and began my drive to San Diego. The 1,200 mile trip was not an easy one. However, what I felt during the 18-hour drive was the magnitude of America.The Coronavirus has caused me to spend a lot of time at home and in the office, and I have lost perspective. Once I comprehende...
こんにちは、サンディエゴタウンです。 多くのユーザーの皆様からのご要望につき この度、サンディエゴタウンのインスタアカウントを開設いたしました。 パチパチパチ~ サンディエゴタウンの活動をインスタでもお気軽に御覧いただけるようになりましたので 今後ともサンディエゴタウンをよろしくお願いいたします。 ...
Vol. 32 It's impossible and meaningless for a small business to do marketing with branding on the same scale as big companies like Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Ray-Ban and Apple. So let's think about what small business branding is all about. Today's challenge is to “Think Small”. Small business branding is not the design o...
Welcome to PSPinc San Diego Office 皆様ごきげんよう、サンディエゴタウンがゆくです。 この度、サンディエゴタウンを運営しております、我々PSPincのシアトル本社から サンディエゴオフィスに社用車がやってまいりました。 なんと社長みずからシアトルからサンディエゴまで...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is expanding its PWYC pricing structure to many of our other products. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, many busines...
Dear valued customer,Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.We are always looking to improve the services we offer you.As such, we will be conducting email server maintenance.You may not be able to use the Mail service for 5-10 minutes during the maintenance time below.The schedule is as follows:* US...
Dear Valued Customers, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are pleased to announce that we have updated Dreamersi password cri...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we...
Bloguru is a free blog site Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. built and maintains. This blog platform is different from others because … (1) There are...