投稿日 2021-12-27 12:58
OBON Society Blog
"Families on both sides of Pacific War find closure" Dated Dec. 27, 2021 Yotsumoto Jun: NHK World Correspondent: The families of people who die at war often find their grief is compounded by lack of closure. One American woman recently gave her grandfather a fitting sendoff decades after he was killed in the attack on ...
投稿日 2021-12-25 03:14
OBON Society Blog
OBON SOCIETY has a wonderful story to share with you this Holiday Season. Below link is our December 2021 Newletter. https://obonsociety.org/uploads/2021/12/24/NewsletterDec2021FINAL.pdf Below link is our video related to these Stories. https://youtu.be/CP5Dxh8u-PY Our work is made possible with generous donation fr...
投稿日 2021-11-26 17:00
OBON Society Blog
The sepia-toned photographs, slightly larger than a business card, tumble out of a browning, mottled envelope. For what is known of the six photos, and also what is enticingly unknown, the sight of them is breathtaking. Keiko Satomi punctuates the moment. "It's just," she pauses. "It has a weight." From what can be pieced t...