
Tai: Diary






The Low End Theory (1991)


Artist: A Tribe Called Quest





Enta Da Stage (1993)

Artist: Black Moon

名盤なので買いましたが、あまり聴いておらず、今になってひととおり聴いています。80年後半〜90年前半のヒップホップは日進月歩で、新手法が編み出され、音楽性が進化していました。Black Moonのメンバーの一部になると思いますが、プロデューサーであるDa Beatminerzは、95年にSmif-N-WessunのDah Shinin'というアルバムを制作しています。95年はダークな曲が流行し、Dah Shinin'はその中核に位置するのですが、この93年のEnta Da StageはDah Shinin'に酷似した仕上がりで、既にDa Beatminerzの音楽性が確立しているように思います。特筆すべきは、やはり代表作のひとつである「How Many MC's」でしょう。今聴いても遜色なく、時代を先取りしていると思います。








MSP: Governance Themes


  1. Programme organization

    • Describes the structures for a programme, including the responsibilities and competencies of individuals within those structures.

  2. Vision

    • Describes the role of the vision statement, its development and contents, and contextual importance to the programme.

  3. Leadership and stakeholder engagement

    • Describes the need and nature of leadership against the backdrop of stakeholder engagement. Provides tools and techniques to analyse individual and groups of stakeholders with a cycle of activities to maintain engagement and support the communications plans.

  4. Benefits management

    • Explains how benefits are central to any programme and describes that can be deployed to ensure the benefits are realized.

  5. Blueprint design and delivery

    • Describes the criticality of designing the operating model that the programme will deliver. It outlines the concepts of the 'as-is' state, the 'to-be' state, and the step changes required to achieve the target operating model.zq

  6. Planning and control

    • Describes the elements that need to be considered to plan, design and deliver the complex set of management activities required to maintain control of the programme, enable project delivery and focus on transition to maintain business as usual during change.

  7. The business case

    • Describes how the business case will provide thekey decision-making information within any programme. It represents the balance between the investment costs and the realizable benefits to be achieved; this helps define the lifecycle of the business case and management controls to be applied.

  8. Risk and issue management

    • Describes how risk and issue management should be applied to the programme to ensure a structured and systematic approach to identifying and controlling risks and issues. Risk management is based on the Management of Risk (M_o_R®) best-practice framework.

  9. Quality and assurance management

    • Describes how quality is applied to the programme, describes the areas and activities that characterize quality in the programme and how assurance should be designed and applied to ensure success.



MSP: Programme Management Principles

PRINCE2にもITIL 4にも似た概念があるが、優先度が違う気がする。

  1. Remaining alighed with corporate strategy

    • A programme is typically a large investment that should make a significant contribution towards achieving corporate performance targets. A well-managed programme maintains good links with a sometimes-volatile corporate strategy.
    • 組織の方針から外れて行動してはならない。

  2. Leading change

    • Seeing through change in a programme is a leadership challenge. In addition to the need to manage a large number of complex tasks, people need to be led. It is impossible to move to a better future without clear leadership.
    • リーダーが率先して動くことにより、チームとのコミュニケーションが円滑になる。
    • Projectが経緯(Case)優先なのに対し、Programmeは人優先なのが異なる点。
    • 7点のPrincipleの中で、これが最もページを使い、例題が多いため、重要なのだと思います。

  3. Envisioning and communicating a better future

    • A programme is relevant where there is a need to achieve transformational change, where there is some marked step change or break with the present required in the future capacity. In order to achieve such a beneficial future state, the leaders of a programme must first describe a clear vision of that future.
    • 組織が掲げるビジョンが、チームを動かすのに決定的な役割を果たす。ビジョンがブレると危ない。

  4. Focusing on the benefits and threats to them

    • Best-practice programme management aligns everything towards satisfying strategic objectives by realizing the end benefits. Thus the programme's boundary, including the projects and activities that become part of the programme, is determined to enable the realization of these end benefits. The ultimate success of a programme is judged by its ability to realize these benefits and the continuing relevance of these benefits to the strategic context. If the benefits are of strategic value, then effective risk management is crucial.
    • Programmeの利益不利益を関係部署やメンバーに伝えることで、彼らの考えと行動がクリアになる。

  5. Adding value

    • A programme only remains valid if it adds value to the sum of its constituent projects and major activities. If it is found to add nothing, then it is better to close the programme and allow the projects to proceed independently.
    • 価値が無ければ、そのProjectをProgrammeから外したり、またはProgramme自体を終了させ、独立したProjectとして継続する。
    • ITIL 4のSVS「Guiding Principles」に「Focus on value」というのがあるが、寧ろ「Keep it simple and practical」に似ている。

  6. Designing and delivering a coherent capability

    • The capability that the programme will deliver is defined in the blueprint. The programme will deliver a coherent organizational capability that is released into operational use according to a schedule that delivers maximum incremental improvements with minimal adverse operational impact.
    • Programmeが成功した時の世界がどうなのか、青写真が描けるようにする。

  7. Learning from experience

    • A programme is learning organization in that it reflects upon and improve its performance during its life. Good governance requires approaches to managing the different themes that are regularly adjusted and adapted on the basis of experience and results to date. For example, good benefits management encourages stakeholders to identify new opportunities to realize benefits as their awareness and experience increases.



The Basement Khemist

DJ Spinnaのコンビ、Jigmastasのアルバムに収録されたことのある、The Basement KhemistというNYアンダーグラウンドのアーティスト。おそらくアルバムを1枚作るほど作曲していないと思います。印象深い曲が多いので掲載してみました。



Runaway Slave (1992)

Artist: Showbiz & A.G. from D.I.T.C.

Showbiz & A.G.のデビューアルバムになると思います。彼等のCDは買うべきものだ、と思って買いましたが、あまり聴いていませんでした。今になって聴いています。全曲ジャズのサンプリングで、かなり良いです。1995年のセカンドアルバムが一番好きですが、このデビューアルバムもかなり良いです。



Prince2 Agile (2015)


Stationery Office (Great Britain) (著)



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