
OBON Society Blog

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【NHK動画】太平洋戦争の沖縄戦で戦死した男性の日章旗 遺族に返還/Japanese flag of a man killed in the Battle of Okinawa in the Pacific War returned to his bereaved family.

【NHK動画】太平洋戦争の沖縄... 【NHK動画】太平洋戦争の沖縄... 【NHK動画】太平洋戦争の沖縄...





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We are off to Japan now! Getting ready for our big event with USS Lexington staff!

We are off to Japan now! Gett...
We are off to Japan now! Getting ready for our big event with USS Lexington staff!
#army #closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #media #mediacoverage #navy #nhk #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #レキシントン博物館 #靖国神社



OBONソサエティよりプレスリ... OBONソサエティよりプレスリ... OBONソサエティよりプレスリ... OBONソサエティよりプレスリ... OBONソサエティよりプレスリ... OBONソサエティよりプレスリ...

ーOBONソサエティはこの度、米国テキサス州に係留され、現在は海洋博物館としてその任務を継続中の「航空母艦レキシントン」に長年、戦争展示品として飾られていた「日章旗」を元の持ち主であった日本兵のご遺族へ返還する橋渡しをさせて頂きます。7月20日に「レキシントン博物館」にて、日章旗を展示から外し、OBONソサエティに返還を託す式典が催されました。今月末にはレキシントン博物館の館長らが、OBONソサエティ共同代表のレックス&敬子・ジークと共に来日し、自らの手で日章旗をご遺族へ返還します。つきましては、「記者会見」及び「日章旗返還式」を下記日程にて執り行いますのでご案内申し上げます。 ー
#army #closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #media #mediacoverage #navy #nhk #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #レキシントン博物館 #靖国神社


Consulate-General of Japan in Houston is at USS Lexington Museum.

Consulate-General of Japan in... Consulate-General of Japan in... Consulate-General of Japan in... Consulate-General of Japan in...
On July 20, Consul General Murabayashi attended the Japanese 'Good Luck' Flag Repatriation Ceremony held at the USS Lexington Museum in Corpus Christi. Consul General Murabayashi stated that he was honored to be present at the ceremony and that the return of the flag is a symbol of the friendship between the U.S. and Japan. The flag will be handed over from the museum to the bereaved family in Japan on July 29 with the support of the OBON SOCIETY(https://obonsociety.org/eng ), an Oregon non-profit organization.
Click here to see a live video by the museum:

#army #closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #media #mediacoverage #navy #nhk #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #レキシントン博物館 #靖国神社


【京都新聞/共同】米博物館「寄せ書き日の丸」返還/Return of "Yosegaki Hinomaru" at the U.S. Museu

USSレキシントン博物館から家... USSレキシントン博物館から家族の元に返還される「寄せ書き日の丸」=20日、米テキサス州コーパスクリスティ(共同)

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Funeral postponed until flag aboard USS Lexington returns home to Japan

Funeral postponed until flag ab... Funeral postponed until flag ab... Funeral postponed until flag ab...
Funeral postponed until flag aboard USS Lexington returns home to Japan

John Oliva, Corpus Christi Caller Times
July 21, 2023·3 min read

After being apart for about 80 years, a husband and wife will finally be reunited and buried together in Japan. The process began with an emotional ceremony Thursday on Corpus Christi's waterfront aboard the USS Lexington.

The ceremony was held aboard the floating museum to repatriate a good luck flag from World War II back to the Mutsuda family in Japan. It will be delivered Saturday, July 29.

The flag had hung aboard the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay since 1994. Initially, the museum staff thought it was a "meatball flag" with kamikaze pilots' names written on it.


Japanese soldier Shigeyoshi Mutsuda's "good luck" flag had been aboard the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay since 1994. OBON Society, a nonprofit that repatriates flags to Japanese families, visited the museum to retrieve the flag Thursday, July 20, 2023.
A family member of Shigeyoshi Mutsuda, a Japanese soldier who died during World War II, discovered the flag and realized it belonged to Mutsuda, his grandfather.

The family member reached out to OBON Society, a nonprofit that repatriates Japanese soldier's "good luck" flags, or yosegaki hinomaru, to their family, in hopes of retrieving his grandfather's only remains.

Good luck flags went to war with Japanese soldiers
A good luck flag was common for Japanese soldiers to have during World War II. They were Japanese flags signed by family, friends and neighbors and served as a memento to the soldiers of their loved ones. Unfortunately, good luck flags are often all that remains of their loved ones who were killed in action.

Rex Ziak, co-founder and president of the nonprofit, said the organization has repatriated more than 500 flags back to Japanese families. Normally American, Australian, Canadian or British veterans contact OBON Society wanting to give back the flags, Ziak said.


Donald E. Larson, former junior past national president of the Fleet Reserve Association Corpus Christi branch, holds a program of the Japanese "Good Luck" Flag Repatriation Ceremony at the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay Thursday, July 20, 2023.
But for the first time, the nonprofit received an email from a man in Japan asking for help.

When Ziak reached out to the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay with the information, Steve Banta, the museum's executive director, said he knew immediately he had to return it.

"We knew the flag did not belong to us and we endeavored to return it home," Banta said.

Ziak said his nonprofit is currently working on more than 900 items that will hopefully be returned to Japan. He said Mutsuda's family is looking forward to finally being reunited with their grandfather.

Hirofumi Murabayashi, consul general for the Japanese Consul-General Office in Houston, said he was honored to witness the repatriation ceremony and said Mutsuda's wife died this year at the age of 102.

"His family members have postponed the funeral until the only remain of her husband will come back to Japan so they can be buried together and be reunited," Murabayashi said. "He will not only be reunited with his family, but also his wife in heaven."

Steve Banta, executive director of the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay, shakes hands with Hirofumi Murabayashi, consul general of the Japanese Consul-General Office in Houston, at the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay Thursday, July 20, 2023. Banta gifted Murabayashi with an American flag and a certificate of authenticity.More
Ziak said Mutsuda's wife longed for her husband and talked about him every day. She died before the news of finding his good luck flag could reach her, never knowing it still existed.

Mutsuda's family was not present in person, but Ziak said they were watching via a live stream of the event.

Along with Ziak and the OBON Society, Banta said he will be visiting Japan to give the Mutsuda family their grandfather's flag. A high-resolution photo of the flag will be displayed at the museum where the flag once hung, along with a placard describing the yosegaki hinomaru, the ceremony held Thursday, and information about where the flag is now.

For more information about OBON Society, visit obonsociety.org.
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OBON SOCIETY is happy to be here in Corpus Christi Texas! If you would like to watch the live stream tomorrow (20th) of the flag return event please c

OBON SOCIETY is happy to be ...
OBON SOCIETY is happy to be here in Corpus Christi Texas! If you would like to watch the live stream tomorrow (20th) of the flag return event please click the link below. The program starts at 9 AM CST.
#army #closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #media #mediacoverage #navy #nhk #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #レキシントン博物館 #靖国神社


We are about to take off from Portland airport to get to USS Lexington in Texas! Hope to see you all either in person or live streaming at 9:00am on 7

We are about to take off from... We are about to take off from...
We are about to take off from Portland airport to get to USS Lexington in Texas!
Hope to see you all either in person or live streaming at 9:00am on 7/20!!
#army #closure #flagreturn #japanesflag #japanflag #media #mediacoverage #navy #nhk #nonbiologicalhumanremains #obonsociety #obonソサエティ #pacificwar #peace #soldier #veteran #ww2 #yosegakihinomaru #レキシントン博物館 #靖国神社





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本日令和5年7月14日、来たる... 本日令和5年7月14日、来たる...
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