
OBON Society Blog



【読売新聞】令和5年7月29日に靖国神社参集殿にて執り行われました「陸田繁義命寄せ書き日の丸返還式」につきまして東京新聞が記事を掲載して下さいました。/(Japanese News paper featured Flag return at YASUKUNI) )

父の日章旗 米博物館から遺族に返還

80年ぶり再会 靖国神社で

 太平洋戦争でサイパンに出征し、戦死した岐阜県出身の旧日本兵、 陸田むつだ 繁義さんのものとみられる日章旗が米国の博物館で保管されていることがわかり、千代田区の靖国神社で29日、遺族に返還された。約80年ぶりに戻った父の遺品を受け取った長男の敏弘さん(82)は「奇跡的なこと。うれしい気持ちで胸がいっぱい」と喜んだ。



(A Japanese flag believed to belong to Shigeyoshi Rikuta Mutsuda, a former Japanese soldier from Gifu Prefecture who was killed in action in Saipan during the Pacific War, was returned to his bereaved family at Yasukuni Shrine in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, on March 29. Toshihiro, 82, the eldest son of Shigeyoshi's father, who received his father's belongings back for the first time in 80 years, said, "This is miraculous. I am filled with happiness.

 On the Yosegaki flag, there were inscriptions of the words "Bu-un Choukyu" (Long Live the Warrior), the name of a person believed to be Mr. Rikuda, and dozens of other names, including family members and neighbors. According to Toshihiro and others, Mr. Rikuda was drafted into the Army in 1943 at the age of 26 and went to Saipan in 1944.

 This spring, Toshihiro's eldest son learned that the flag was on display at the Aircraft Carrier Lexington Museum in Texas, a renovated retired aircraft carrier, and consulted the OBON Society, a private U.S. organization that works to return artifacts brought to war by former Japanese soldiers. It was confirmed that the flag in the photograph taken before his departure for war matched the characteristics of the flag displayed at the museum, and its return was realized.)



(In addition to Toshihiro, his eldest daughter Misako (81) and second son Yasunori (80) also came from Gifu Prefecture to attend the restitution ceremony held at Yasukuni Shrine on March 29. Toshihiro and his family rubbed their cheeks together as they received the Japanese flag from Steve Banta, the museum's director, who had visited Japan, and seemed thrilled to be "reunited" with their father.

 Masae Rikuda's wife, Masae, who passed away in 2018, visited Yasukuni Shrine every year and lamented the fact that her husband's belongings had not been returned. Toshihiro said, "I think it is my mother who is most pleased. I want to report my father's return to the graveside.")

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