Can you get drunk without drinking alcohol? Yes.
Not everyone's k. pneumonia creates liver damaging levels of alcohol. This gut bacteria produces a large amount of alcohol in the body in a select number of people. These bacteria reside in over 60% of patients who contract non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), in some leading to fibrosis and in fewer, the life threatening cirrhosis of the liver. An estimated 25% of the human population has alcohol producing bacteria in their body.
So "what's the point?" quoting the local AA meeting reading. "The point is" . . . well, watch what you eat. Apparently, non-alcohol induced inebriation is triggered by eating too much carbo- rich, sugary foods, according to a study by co-author Jing Yuan, a professor and director of the bacteriology laboratory at the Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing. He recently shared his team's findings with Live Science (see article, ).
The good news is that even if you're an "alcoholic" without consuming even a drop of alcohol, the new finding offers opportunity to diagnose and treat NAFLD early. . . And a solution- "put down that sprinkle donut!"