Vol. 21 NewsMAIL is a mail broadcast software system developed by Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in 1997. Broadcast communication was originally developed as a facsimile function that sends the same content to multiple parties. In addition to sending email, today's NewsMAIL offers the following func-tions to make it even ...
The Puget Sound business journal published a list of the largest tech employers in Washington state for 2019. We are proud to have made the list coming in at #50. This year we also celebrated our 33rd year in business. A special thank you to all of our customers for your support. We look forward to continuing to serve y...
お客様各位 平素より PSPinc のサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 皆様に弊社サービスをより快適にご利用いただけるよう、メールサーバ環境アップデートを下記の日程で実施致します。 アップデート作業中、数分程度メールの送受信ができなくなる時間帯が発生する見込みでございます。 お客様...
Vol. 20 InforMakers は、Web サイトに埋め込むカスタムフォームを作成できるWeb ベースのサービスです。 このフォームは、お客様のお問い合わせフォームやサポートリクエストフォームなど多様にお使いいただけます。どんなフォームでもInforMakers で作成し、Web サイトに埋...
It's an annual tradition at PSPinc that we create a uniquely designed school year mousepad. This year's theme is very fitting as we say a special thank you to Essential Workers all around the world. Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. 1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007 PSPinc Creates Tools For Your Business Pacific So...
I am sad to announce Ms. Mayumi Nakamura’s last day at Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (PSP) was July 8, 2020. Mayumi had been with PSP for 27 years...
Vol. 19 私たちは、iPhone やAndroid などのモバイルデバイスを含むすべてのデバイスで互換性のあるWeb サイトを作成できるシンプルなソフトウェア(Web de Xpress)を開発しました。それを当社のWeb ホスティングプラットフォームにバンドルすると、Web サイトの更新に必...
Vol. 19 We have developed simple web building software (WebdeXpress) that you can use to create stunning websites that are compatible with all devices. This includes mobile phones such as the iPhone and Android devices. Bundle that with our web hosting platform and you have everything you need to renew your website....
Today we held our semi-annual company meeting. In years past we would meet in the lobby of our Bellevue headquarters, but it looked a bit different this year as we all gathered on Zoom due to a large number of our staff currently working remotely. As a treat for those in the office and in celebration of PSPinc's 33rd an...