お客様各位 ご報告をいたしました障害は、現時点で発生は確認できていません。本日散発的に発生したメールの大量配信が原因かとも考えられますが、システム、ログすべてを解析・確認いたしましたが異常が検出されませんでした。週末から週明けにかけて監視体制を強化させていただきます。また、今回障害をリポートされたお...
We have no more report on this issue. We have looked at our system and system logs and found no error. It may have been caused by sporadic heavy traffic. We will keep our eyes on it.
There is no issue being reported right now ... But just to be sure, we are starting the service on our backup servers. This process will take about 10 minutes. While we are doing this process, there will be no access to the mail servers.
お客様各位 アメリカ西海岸時時間9月20日午前中、日本時間9月21日深夜より、一部のお客様の受信トレイのメール表示が行われないという現象が報告されています。 現在、問題を調査しております。INBOX への表示が行われていない場合でもメールの損失はありません。 随時ご報告致しますが、ご不明な点がござい...
There are report by some customers that the inbox are not displaying any email. We are investigating the issue right now. We check the servers of the people who reported the issues and found that there is no email lost. We will keep you update.
Opinion Stand is one of the easiest and non-intrusive way to ask your customers what they think about your service. It is easy and quick and immediate. http://www.opinonstand.com You can have a Kiosk Version and QR Code Version as well. The term "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
Due to a system error with our old billing platform which is no longer in use, invoices and termination notices were automatically generated and sent ...
A simple click allows you to identify how well your business is performing in the eyes of your customers. For more information, please visit our website below or contact us at 1-800-232-3989 / 425-957-0808 or email us at info@pspinc.com. https://www.opinionstand.com/eng/
ブログルは PSPinc が運営する広告のないユーザー数限定のブログサービスです。これは毎週発表するブログルユーザーランキングです。皆様もぜひブログルにご登録ください。オンラインでご登録はかのうです。ただし、匿名ブログ阻止のため携帯電話への SMS 認証をおこいます。 https://www.blo...
If you had a good experience with any company, people would like to hear about it by means of "Reviews". If you want to write a reviews, here is how you do it. Please check the process above. If you walked like to know more about Google Review for you business, please contact us at info@pspinc.com We are more than ...