Finally rain seems to have passed on and sunny and warm weather is here. But I am traveling to Japan and Taiwan starting tomorrow. It is going to be very warm. But I am really looking forward to visiting Taiwan for the first time.
What is this equation? >65 = 25% No it is not a math. It is the population off Japan. 25% of people in Japan are over 65 years old. That is an alarming number. And to ease the generation gap, older people are learning how to use computers. This is one of the non-profit organization PSPinc support in Japan to teach elder...
Our primary Internet line has peaked 1Gbps ... This is the first time this has happened. Our secondary line is now carrying more load now. All our software / system is operating normally.
As of 9:00am we have recorded 874.8mbps peak traffic on NTT line. That is one of the highest ever. It is averaging over 680mbps. All system are operating normally.
We are currently experiencing high Internet traffic due to the end of long holiday week. The traffic on NTT line is exceeding 500mbps. Our software system is operating within normal capacity. We are expecting to peak within next 1 hour.
One of the many fine products from Kusak Cut Glass Works featured in the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library Magazine. It is hand blown and hand cut vase. This is one beautiful vase. https://www.kusak.com/collections/crystal-vases/products/stonewheel-engraved-bud-vase-jasmine
I fill up my car and company car at Costco ... why should we pay more than we have to. That is what I do with my businesses.
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have released a new responsive theme called "Essence of Spring" for use on your blog. This design brings warm color and flowers of spring. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern br...
投稿日 2017-04-27 02:51
本日、新しいテーマ「春のあしおと」のリリースを行いました。 春らしく明るいお花や蝶々が舞う、心温まるデザインとなっております。 「春のあしおと」は管理画面、テーマメニューの【レスポンシブ】欄からご利用いただけます。 デスクトップコンピューターはもちろん、タブレット、スマートフォンなど、いろいろな機器...
投稿日 2017-04-26 02:43
シンプルなデジタル時計をリリース致しました。 7色展開ですので、ご自身のブログやウェブサイトに合うお色を見つけて頂けると思います。 ぜひこの機会にご利用ください。 ギャラリーの最新またはデジタルからお選び頂けます。 いつもClocklink.com をご利用頂きありがとうございます。...