It’s important to be proactive in business. Rather than waiting for problems to arise, businesses should anticipate them and have a plan in place to solve them. Otherwise, you’ll be left scrambling to fix the problem. And in the process, you may lose customers as a result because they might lose trust in you as a compa...
YourHost はShopSite 社のショッピングカートシステムのナショナルホスティングパートナーで、簡単で信頼性の高いEコマースサイトを作成できるPSPINC のホスティングサービスのひとつです。今月は、ShopSite の全プランを10% オフでご利用いただけるキャンペーンを実施中です。 現...
YourHost is PSPINC’s hosting service that uses award-winning ShopSite tools to create easy and reliable e-commerce sites. This month, we’re running a promotion for customers to get 10% off on all our ShopSite plans. Our YourHost page on the website now shows the discounted prices for each of our three plans and ...
Before the internet, people made connections, both personal and professional, by meeting them in person. Now, everyone’s online. It’s hard not to be. Having an online profile on a social networking site can say a lot about you. On platforms like LinkedIn, it shows people how you want to present yourself to your work p...
多くのサイトがWordPress を使っています。しかし多くの人が使うシステムであるが故に、ハッキングや乗っ取りの踏み台として使われることも多く、そのためのアップデートが頻繁に行われます。このセキュリティアップデートを行わないと、サイト自体が多くの脆弱性を抱えてしまうからです。プラグインを含むWor...
Many site owners use WordPress to manage their sites. However, it’s also often used as a stepping stone for hacking and hijacking because it’s a system many people use. For this reason, WordPress constantly makes updates. Without it, the site itself would have a lot of vulnerabilities. Needless to say, WordPress sites,...
Do restaurant owners always sell the same dishes every day in the same way? Based on experience, they probably think about how much food to buy based on how much food they think they’ll use each day. However, it’s not always possible to buy ingredients at the same price every time. Plus, there may some leftov...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We will update NewsMAIL services to add subscription form email verification feature as scheduled below. Please note that there will be around 1 hour downtime for NewsMAIL services during the update period below. The schedule is as follows: ...
Vol. 60 There are many companies and people in the world who can make a website for you. Many services allow you to create your website. We also offer...
Vol. 59 There are times when blogging is a stand-alone activity. However, when you use blogging as part of your marketing efforts, the goal is to distribute information and direct customers to your website. Which is just like many other social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Induction may...