Creating a beautifully designed website can be great for business, but marketing your business shouldn’t stop there. You also need to make sure people know it exists. To do that, you can market your site by updating your site content and sharing the link to social media. Just because you have a great site, it doesn’t m...
Web hosting is about more than just getting your website online. Investing in a good web hosting service ensures better security, better customer service, and better maintenance support. A good web hosting service provides an SSL certificate for your site. That way, users won’t encounter an error page, warning them tha...
We’ve talked about the importance of positive Google reviews, but feedback is important to every business. Especially a small one. Asking for feedback from your customers shows you care. But for businesses, feedback also tells you more about how customers feel about your products, services, and experiences. More im...
Getting good quality IT support is an underrated service. Only when something breaks do you need to call someone to assist you. So, having a go-to IT company for when you need it is a good idea. When you frequent one company for your IT services, it’ll result in better response times and a better experience overall b...
Online forms, or web forms, allow customers to enter valuable information. It could be as small and simple as their name and email address, or it can include payment information. Regardless, businesses can use online forms for multiple reasons: · Sell products. · Onboarding new employees. ·...
When our CEO, Ken Uchikura, realized his parents were having trouble calling him on their phones, he had an idea. If it was this hard for his parents to call people, it must be a problem other senior citizens face, too. That’s why he created Tap-To-Call. As the name suggests, users can easily make phone calls, as well ...
In case you missed it, the Pro version of our password manager, Pass Wizard, is currently on sale for 50% off your first year. And it has been for a few months now. But that time is slowly coming to end on Thursday, March 30. That gives you two weeks to claim this offer! With Pass Wizard Pro, in addition to a secu...
お客様各位 平素より PSPINCのサービスまたWebdeMailをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 この度、WebdeMailに二段階認証機能を追加致しましたことをお知らせいたします。WebdeMailにログインする際、パスワード入力に加え、認証アプリを使って本人認証ができるシステムです。...
お客様各位平素より PSPINC のサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。皆様に弊社サービスをより快適にご利用いただけるよう、メールサーバのセキュリティ強化に伴うメンテナンスを下記の日程で実施致します。約15分程度メールの送受信がおこなえない時間帯が発生する可能性がございます。お客様には...
多くの企業が自社の公式アカウントからブログ投稿し、そこにコストを割くには理由があります。今の時代、消費者は、単に製品の価格や品質だけを見ているのではなく、誰から買うか、というのがより重要で、なおかつ他の競合他社と比較した上で決める傾向があります。 ただし、やみくもに投稿するのでは意味がありませんので...