In the tech world, you’ll hear the word, “cloud” frequently, especially when linked to services like iCloud and Google Drive among many others. But what exactly is “the cloud” and what role does it play in business today? The cloud generally refers to servers and the software and databases that run on those...
Since the pandemic hit, so many more everyday interactions, for individuals as well as businesses, occur online. This includes sending files to each other, regardless of how large they may be. The problem with emailing a large file to another person is that many email providers set a limit on how big a file is. For files that...
Today I would like to talk about automating tasks with computers. Before computers were used daily, ledgers did all the accounting work. There aren’t many people who know that anymore. Therefore, accounting became the first use of computers. However, instead of accounting software, which we use today, we used a s...
Azure Cloud Japan East was down for 8 hours in Japan (3/31/2017 22:28 to 4/1/2017 07:16). Things that can happen will happen, no matter how much money and resource you spend on it. This time, it was due to the air conditioning units. https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/jpaztech/2017/04/03/rca34296489/
今朝、トロント空港までUBERを利用しました。その時の運転手との会話でUBERはタクシー業界だけでなくレンタカー業界にも大きな衝撃をすでに与えているとのこと。レンタカー業界もどこでもピックアップ、ドロップを検討していかないと生き残れなくなるかもしれませんね。 前のブログでも書き留めたBMWのReac...