When attaching a file to your email, there’s usually a file size limit, ranging somewhere between 20 to 25 MB. For those of us who have to regularly transfer large files like videos, music, and pictures, it can be a nuisance to send a cloud link to the file rather than just attaching the file. But for larger files, it seems like ...
Since the pandemic hit, so many more everyday interactions, for individuals as well as businesses, occur online. This includes sending files to each other, regardless of how large they may be. The problem with emailing a large file to another person is that many email providers set a limit on how big a file is. For files that...
ここ数か月の間、我々は大容量ファイル送信システムMegaMail の様々なサービスアップグレードを行ってきました。セキュリティーと速度の改善に加え、新たな機能を追加したことでより使いやすいサイトになりました。 本日、ファイルアップロードの一時停止と再開機能を追加いたしました。この機能はMegaMai...
Recently we have been making a number of service upgrades to MegaMail, our large file transfer service. Improvements for security and speed have kept ...
MegaMailは、PSPinc オリジナルの、通常のメールでは送る事のできない大きな容量のファイルを、安全に送付できるシステムです。 https://sendmegamail.com/users/login 大変申し訳ございませんが、現在、お申込み登録ができなくなっておりますので今しばらくお待ち下...