The restaurant industry today has changed drastically due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For a while, restaurants only offered delivery and takeout options...
If you don't already know, SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and protects your privacy when you surf the internet. Especially when you're entering s...
皆さんIRONMAN(アイアンマン)レース</b >をご存知でしょうか? 世界一過酷なレースともいわれるアイアンマンレース。 本日はサンディエゴ在住で過去4回アイアンマンレースを完走した小林ゆみさんにインタビューをさせていただきました! ゆみさんのご紹介をさせていただく前に、まずは皆さん...
When PSPINC first started, our vision was to help grow the Japanese market by popularizing PC software, which was already established technology in th...
If there’s a site that you go to frequently and want a quicker way to get to them, the best way to do that is create a shortcut on your desktop home s...
サンディエゴタウン・ロサンゼルスタウンを運営しているPSPINC (Pacific Software Publishing Inc)はウェブサイト作成もしていることをご存知でしたか?今まで作成させていただいたウェブサイトをいくつかご紹介します☺️🍣サンディエゴ PBにある日本食レストランーIchib...
今年オープンした日本人のMakoさんによるビューティサロン✨ Gemstar Nail and Beauty Salon では、毎月お得にネイルが出来ちゃうマンスリーネイルスペシャルを実施しています✨ 今月は新年にふさわしく華やかなこちらの2つのデザインが$60で出来ちゃいます😳✨ 独立されたのは今...
With so many web builders out there today, you may be asking yourself, why do people pay for web development? Well, the biggest difference between usi...
Now that we’ve gone over how to add a website as a shortcut on your iPhone, maybe you’d like to add it onto your PC desktop as a shortcut. Especially ...
Starting today, our free Click It Audio users will now be able to replace their audio content as many times as they want! Previously, users could only replace audio up to three times, but we've removed the limit altogether. With unique audio QR codes and audio embeds, you can market to your customers uniquely and perso...