With Bloguru, our ad-free blogging platform, you can now stylize your blog’s text easily without any coding knowledge! We’ve updated our blogging platform, which includes adding a rich text editor to the post content editor, making it easier to bold, italicize, underline, strike-through, align, and add links to your text. You...
The biggest ad network today on a global scale is Google, which makes sense because it’s also the most popular search engine. But the fact that the Google Display Network (Google’s advertising network) reaches over 90% of worldwide internet users isn’t the only reason advertisers love it so much. It’s also the ...
Within the last few years, QR (quick response) codes have become more popular, serving as a contactless, and therefore, sanitary, way of providing customers with information in person. A QR code is a graphical representation of digital data like a barcode. However, the difference between the two is that people can use a...
Fill out this Pass Wizard survey to enter to win one year of Pass Wizard Pro for free. With this information, we’ll be able to improve our customers’ experiences and get a better idea of what features we should prioritize in our future development work. To enter this giveaway, users must already be a Pass Wizard...
Managing your business can be difficult, juggling both your customers and employees. But you need both when running a business of any size. An organized management system reduces the chance for mistakes to happen and increases overall productivity. It also improves the overall work culture, giving employees more tran...
オーナーのパトリックさんは元船乗り、そして大のコーヒー好き!✨ 2か月前にこのロケーションに「Heave Ho Coffee Co」をオープンしたばかりです🥰 パトリックさんの好きが融合して作られた船・海をイメージしたコーヒーショップの店内は雰囲気も温かったです😊💕 チュラビスタ近郊にお住まいの方や...
One of the easiest ways to increase visibility online as a small business is through paid ads. As we’ve mentioned before, organic social posts have a limited reach. One of the easiest and most affordable paid advertising options is Facebook ads. Facebook makes it easy for marketers to create and run ads. After logging i...
Today is Setsubun. We have read books about Setsubun in class, make oni craft and then have the children throw paper balls at the oni. it is our hope here at Megumi that everyone enjoys a healthy and happy year!!!
投稿日 2023-02-04 06:36
日本人のMakoさんによるビューティサロン✨ Gemstar Nail and Beauty Salon では、毎月お得にネイルが出来ちゃうマンスリーネイルスペシャルを実施しています✨ 指先からバレンタインシーズンを楽しめちゃいます! こちらの2つのデザインが、 なんと!! $65で出来ちゃいます😳...