For small businesses, transparency towards your customers is important. Especially if it affects a potential customer’s overall experience with the br...
If you’re struggling to sell products or services for your business, think about your customers. After all, they’re the ones who will be purchasing an...
Our founder and CEO, Ken Uchikura, just got back from his trip to Japan and brought back some snacks for us to try at our Bellevue office! Thank you, Uchikura-san! Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. 1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007 PSPINC Creates Tools For Your Business Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headq...
本日、CEOの内倉が日本出張から無事帰国しました。日本でお世話になった皆さま、ありがとうございました。オフィスのメンバーはお土産に大興奮です! Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. 1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007 皆様...
Regardless of what kind of business you’re in, the end goal is the same: increase sales for your company. There’s a lot that goes into getting a poten...
As a business, it’s important to build trust with your customers. But it’s even more important for small businesses. While your website may have an “A...
As a business that sells to other businesses, it’s hard to sell and retain those customers sometimes. But what we’ve found very helpful is taking the focus of our company. Instead, we put the focus on our customers. It’s not about trying to get what we need from them; it’s about giving them what they need. When ...
企業間取引(B2B) のマーケティングは、成果が出るまで時間がかかるのが常であるため、厳しさを感じることがあるかもしれません。実際、従来の企業対顧客(B2C) のマーケティングキャンペーンよりも時間がかかります。しかし、どんなマーケティング活動においても重要なのは、忍耐強くあることです。要するに、マ...