Marketing is a constantly changing industry, which is why it's difficult to determine what works and what doesn't work for your business. What works for one company won't necessarily work for another, so marketing today consists of a lot of experimenting and testing, which can then take a lot of time and effort to get it r...
We’re happy to announce that we’ve upgraded our operating system (OS) for our website builder, WebdeXpress, and our custom web server’s database. We’ve upgraded our OS from Cent OS7 to Alma Linux 8 since there will no longer be technical support for Cent OS7 after June 30, 2024, and we continue striving...
As this year comes to a close, we’re reflecting on how marketing has evolved over the past year and how we can improve for next year, not only for our company but for our customers as well. When looking back, one thing’s for certain: advancements in technology are driving the trends that will only become even...
The new year is the perfect time to give your website an update to make sure it continues performing well and helps reach your business goals. So, why not get your site custom-designed? While it’s easy to use a popular website builder, it also traps your website into looking very similar to many others on the market....
Payroll Solutions Inc. is a payroll service provider in the Pacific Northwest, founded in 2005 and now serves hundreds of clients throughout the U.S. Their services include payroll management, workforce management services, and employee time management services. They came to us looking for a visual rebranding and an i...
For over 20 years now, we’ve been localizing content for small businesses looking to market toward both English-speaking customers and Japanese-speaking customers. Beyond just translating, we also build custom web applications, design and develop websites, and create digital marketing assets like social media posts us...
While it’s more costly, custom web development is well worth it in the end because of how beneficial it is for your brand. Custom web development benefits businesses, especially small businesses by: 1. Increasing security: Businesses can implement robust security measures to keep their data safe from cyber-attacks wit...
Web hosting refers to providing storage space and access to websites. In other words, web hosting acts like a space where websites store their files so users can view them online. So, every website you’ve ever been on is hosted on a server.There are three types of hosting: Shared: consists of one server where mul...
お客様各位 平素より PSPINC のサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 今年、Twitter社がロゴと正式名称を「X」へ変更したことを受け、 NewsMAIL内の「ソーシャルネットワークリンク」メニューのアイコンを来週、差し替える予定でございます。 これにより、配信されるメルマガの...
弊社では、テクニカル・サポートに加え、オンサイトのメンテナンスも承っております。ご存知でしたでしょうか? 主に、以下のような内容をサポートさせていただいております。 ・コンピュータやネットワークの設計及び設置 ・システム障害やそのボトルネックのトラブルシューティング ・ソフトウェアのテスト及び設定 ...