One of the easiest ways to increase visibility online as a small business is through paid ads. As we’ve mentioned before, organic social posts have a limited reach. One of the easiest and most affordable paid advertising options is Facebook ads. Facebook makes it easy for marketers to create and run ads. After logging i...
With so many web builders out there today, you may be asking yourself, why do people pay for web development? Well, the biggest difference between usi...
これまで、Click It Audioの無料版では、音声コンテンツの差し替えは3回までという制限を設けておりましたが、本日より上限なく何度でも入れ替えできるようアップグレード致しました。 オーディオで言葉や想いを届けませんか?製品パッケージや名刺、グリーティングカード、ブログ記事等に音声入りのQRコ...
Starting today, our free Click It Audio users will now be able to replace their audio content as many times as they want! Previously, users could only replace audio up to three times, but we've removed the limit altogether. With unique audio QR codes and audio embeds, you can market to your customers uniquely and perso...
Being perfect is overrated. In a business setting, trying to make everything you do perfect won’t work in the long term. But it’s only natural to want...
With cybercrime continually increasing, security measures tighten for products that store and manage sensitive customer information. When looking clos...
To increase Pass Wizard’s overall security, we’ll be updating the Pass Wizard server next week. Unfortunately, we expect there will be a downtime of around 15 minutes while we make this update. The schedule is as follows: *USA Pacific Daylight Time December 16th (Friday) 5:00 – 5:15am *Japan Time December...
It’s officially holiday season, which means it’s also the sale season for small businesses. Generally, it’s best to prepare in advance so that your te...
When marketing a business successfully, a lot of research, strategy, and execution goes into it. But what works for one company won’t necessarily work...
We’re so excited to announce that we’ve made it onto the Puget Sound Business Journal’s list of Asian-Owned Businesses of 2022 at #17! For 35 years, P...