
two o one two




  • 11/14 - 11/22

11/14 - 11/22




11/14 --- my birthday, over the hill. Taught at the Japanese school in AM. My class kids brought some cookies and Melon-pan. Wow! My husband got some cupcakes with the candles in shape of 50! Went to the Football game and we won! Had a wonderful day!!

11/15 --- nice weather. Went to the dog park, met two aussies. Jasper was a BM puppy, so cute!

11/16 --- Monday, K is back! A bad news, her surgery didn't go well. They will re-schedule the other one, she was very upset about it. I feel sorry for her.

11/17 --- Back to the normal shift at work. Getting ready for the next class. Put up "To Do List" to complete. It helps a lot.

11/18 --- Having trouble with my doggies. They brings all the bald cypress' fallen leaves on their fur! I like that tree but every year of this season is TROUBLE!

11/19 --- Saw some deers when I took the dogs for a walk. Did not notice for a while, was wondering why C was so alert and then I saw them! Took some pics. It was a surprise that we could still see them around the neighborhood. Dogs were very excited. lol

11/20 --- FIRST SNOW! Everyone is talking about the winter storm! Parent in law came late afternoon. The snow started like 6:30 pm, the wind is picking up really good and it snowed all night.

11/21 --- The game day! Japanese school got cancelled. I KNEW IT!! so I could go see the Football game with them! The storm had finally gone, Had to shovel the snow in the morning before we leave. Grandpa was not happy about the weather! And the game, we WON!! 11-0!! Yayyyyyyyy!

11/22 --- Today.
Suppose to meet with my friend,E at 12:30 pm at the coffee shop. Will put up some Christmas decoration until the time (I started it last night!). The out side is very cold. The temp is 18F. Planning to take the dogs for a walk this afternoon. Hopefully my husband will be sometime home tomorrow. I have to ask him to carry the Christmas tree up to the living room.
One more thing. Woke up with the voice, "Mom!". It was my daughter's. I was like, what a heck,,, and sent line message, " Is everything okay?" then she replied, " Yeah, why?". Guess I miss her or what, she misses me? No, lol.



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