Using audio in marketing has only gotten popular over the past few years. Catchy jingles, sponsored podcasts, audiobooks, and other audio advertising methods. And there’s a good reason for this: people are more likely to remember something with audio, especially music. So, when you use audio in your marketing plan, it...
お客様各位平素より PSPINC のサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。皆様に弊社サービスをより快適にご利用いただけるよう、ウェブサーバでセキュリティアップデートを下記の日程で実施致します。この作業中、以下の時間帯に数秒間ウェブサイトが表示できなくなる見込みでございます。お客様にはご迷...
For businesses today, you want as many customers as you can get to buy from you. The problem is, when you try to market to everyone, your efforts end up sounding vague and uninspired. When you determine a focus for your campaign, however, you won’t only share better marketing content, but you’ll also end up ...
In case you missed it, the Pro version of our password manager, Pass Wizard, is currently on sale for 50% off your first year. And it has been for a few months now. But that time is slowly coming to end on Thursday, March 30. That gives you two weeks to claim this offer! With Pass Wizard Pro, in addition to a secu...
It may be more work, but there’s a reason why many companies have a blog; they allow businesses to demonstrate their expertise and establish credibility. Customers aren’t just looking at the price and quality of products anymore; they want to know who they’re buying from and compare it to others before decidin...
パスワード管理ツールPass Wizardをご利用のお客様で、アンケートにご回答頂いた方の中から抽選でPass Wizard Pro 1年分をプレゼント致します。有料プランのPass Wizard Proでは、ご家族やご友人、同僚の方などグループ内でパスワードを共有できる機能をご利用いただけます。ま...
If you’re a customer of our password manager, Pass Wizard, you could win one year of Pass Wizard for free! With Pass Wizard Pro, not only can you store your passwords securely, but you can also share them securely with family members, friends, and even trusted employees. To further secure your account, you c...
パスワード管理ツールPass Wizardは、パスワードを簡単かつ安全に管理いただけるよう開発したサービスです。 今後のアップデートや改善を行うにあたり、皆様のご意見を参考にできればという思いから、ユーザー様向けのアンケート調査を実施中です。 アンケートにご協力いただいた方の中から抽選で、有料プラン...