平素より、弊社サービスをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 この度、Dreamersiウェブホスティングに標準機能として搭載されているウェブサイト作成ツールWebdeXpressに新しい機能「テキストスタイル」が追加されましたのでお知らせ致します。 各テーマに設定されているフォントの種類...
マーケティングパッケージ Sproutプランで、最初の1か月の月額料金が無料になるキャンペーンを実施中です。全てのビジネスにおいて、マーケティングは不可欠ですが、業界のベストプラクティスを理解し、Google広告などのプラットフォームで成功する方法を把握することは容易ではありません。弊社マーケティン...
For a limited time, our Sprout marketing plan is now on sale! For your first month with us, waive the monthly fee to get your first month of managed ads for free! Every business needs good marketing, but knowing what the industry’s best practices are and how to succeed on platforms like Google Ads can be tricky. So...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the idea that a company should have a positive role in the community and consider the environmental and social impact of business decisions. Part of CSR can include donating money to worthy causes. Especially when they align with the values you stand for as a company. In 2011, we ...
Marketing is a constantly changing industry, which is why it's difficult to determine what works and what doesn't work for your business. What works for one company won't necessarily work for another, so marketing today consists of a lot of experimenting and testing, which can then take a lot of time and effort to get it r...
One of the most important parts of running a business involves developing and maintaining your brand. While there are multiple definitions of what a brand is, in its simplest form, a brand is an immediately recognizable identity that differentiates itself from others. Having a clear brand for your company is especially vital for...
この度、ウェブホスティングサービス Dreamersi管理画面内、「FTPログイン情報」のユーザーインターフェースが新しくなりましたので、お知らせ致します。 今回、新しくデザインを改良したことにより、FTPのログイン情報を解読しやすくなりました。 ※FTPとはFile Transfer Protoc...
Brand identity is important to any business, especially small businesses. Large businesses have an advantage in terms of credibility compared to small businesses. A solid brand identity helps small businesses gain credibility and inspire customer loyalty. But what is brand identity? Internally, it’s the values your company st...