If you own a restaurant and serve good food with good service, you need to tell that to the world. The most effective way is to promote your food on the website and following up with blog and social media. Let PSPinc show how we can help you.
Did you know PSPinc offers a Domain + Web + Email that includes Web Design + Development + Maintenance for 1 Year for about $230 per month? Yes, that includes Domain, Email for 10 accounts and Web Hosting and Design / Development and monthly update for 12 months.
People work hard to get things ready for you. At PSPinc, we are working day and night to make sure your Domain, Web and Email are working for you 24 hours a day. If your Internet infrastructures are not up to your standard, please contact us.
When PSPinc started Web & Email hosting, we gave each user 50MB for Web and 50Mb for email for about $50 per month. That was plenty back then. Now we provide 2,000 times that amount as a basic package for less than half the price. That is 199.975% discount in last 20 years.
I said this long time ago but I say it again. Where did 4GL (or Relational Database Application Program Development Language) go. I used to use 4GL/Relational Database to create a multi user DOS application. It was easy to make and I could add lots of functions. Now we have SQL (Database) and PHP, PERL, CGI, Java, C, C...
Take out delivery from Thai Kitchen. We do this once a month.
If you develop web for businesses, you can do what most others do. Or you can garner with PSPinc for Domain, Web, Email, CMS and Online Marketing. It is in our interest to create mutually beneficial partnership with web development company and SEO specialists. If you want to explore different kind of company for you to...
投稿日 2016-04-29 04:52
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
Web ページがマルウェアに侵されると外からページが見れなくなります。写真のページは、マルウェアに侵されたサイトで、ブラウザーは自分が侵されることを阻止するためにページの表示をせず、このようなワーニングページを表示します。これ以上は進めないので、マルウェアに侵されたページにはたどり着けません。 自分...
投稿日 2016-04-28 03:00
本日、新デザインのリリースを行いましたので、ご報告いたします。 デスクトップコンピューターはもちろん、タブレット、スマートフォンなど、いろいろな機器で自動的に見やすいスタイルへ変更されるレスポンシブテーマをご利用ください。 新デザイン「ビターブラック」は管理画面、テンプレートの【レスポンシブ (Be...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have released a new responsive theme today, called "Bitter Black", for use on your blog. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work with modern browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3. Thank you for h...