What do you think of menu like this? http://www.clickitaudio.com
投稿日 2019-02-05 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This is a true treat ... Ezell's Chicken. We may've bought too much.
It is very quiet today. Only few people showed up this morning.
投稿日 2019-02-05 06:26
ウチクラ ケンイチ
投稿日 2019-02-04 10:10
ウチクラ ケンイチ
投稿日 2019-02-04 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I have seen several stores having this kiss to evaluate customer experience. This is very simple and cannot do much but that exactly what they need. We do have a very simple feedback system. I am walking with Japanese company to come up with the kiosk type idea. https://www.pilotsbt.com/feedback
I am always impressed with NORDSTROM when it comes to integrating the Brock and Motor Stores and Online Stores. I happen walk through the store and found huge section of store is dedicated to the pick-up and return. When the product is shipped t the store, there is no shipping charge ... It also bring people into their s...
This email is fake and not sent by PSPinc. If you read fine print, you will see this is a sales solicitation, but it appears like renewal notice. I am vey annoyed bytes email. What a cheap tactics!!! This makes me mad.
投稿日 2019-02-03 09:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
あなたの会社の製品をアメリカで売ることを考えたことがありますか。多くの会社は、日本国外で商売をすることを考えたことがないとないと思います。商習慣や言葉に違いなどを考えるとなかなか腰があげられないというのが現状ではないでしょうか。 でもインターネットが当たり前になった今、米国で商品を売ることは昔ほど難...
Can we get together to raise money for the scholarship to 5 students at University of Washington, Foster School of Business to make sure we have a quality business people. Non of the money we raised is going to pay for the salaries of people working for PSPinc. In fact most of the money used to put on this tournament is...